Magic for children's entertainers - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop


Under the watchful eye of Danny Orleans, we have curated this exclusive line of magic for childrens entertainers.

Sponge Tennis Balls Trick
Sponge Tennis Balls
Trick by Mr Daba - 37.46 - normally $49.95

A sponge ball routine that can play for any size audience from close up magic to stage and parlor magic. There is a reason the late, great Eugene...

Birthday Candle Repeat Trick
Birthday Candle Repeat
Trick by Wonderphil - 19.95

From AmazeKids and WonderPhil (aka Phil Pivnick) comes your new favorite birthday party magic trick. “Birthday Candle Repeat” is an engaging,...

Art of Presenting Magic to Teenagers (Download) Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Art of Presenting Magic to Teenagers (Download)
Magic download (video) by Danny Orleans - 90.00

Teenagers! They are so obnoxious and skeptical! Right? Not necessarily! Danny Orleans is an expert in presenting magic to preteen and teenage...

Pizza Paddle Supreme Trick
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Pizza Paddle Supreme
Trick by Rob Thompson - 30.00

Here's a powerful close-up trick for the family entertainer designed to engage the entire family—even the youngest of the youngsters. With just a...

Animinimals Trick
Trick by Billy Damon - 19.95

The world's smallest balloon animals aren't even made from balloons! You'll want Animinimals in your pocket when you do your next in-person or...

Rocket Book Trick
Rocket Book
Trick by Scott Green - 29.95

3, 2, 1, Blastoff! It's Scott Green's Rocket Book, streaking through the sky into magician's repertoires around the world. If the Coloring Book met...

AmazeWands Trick
Vanishing Inc. exclusive AmazeWands
Trick by Danny Orleans and AmazeKids - 35.00

Looking for a colorful magical sight gag for your Zoom show? Something that will make the kids (that you’ll never meet) laugh out loud? Our...

Lights Camera Magic Magic download (ebook)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Lights Camera Magic
Magic download (ebook) by Danny Orleans, Chris Michael and Zach Alexander - 30.00

People everywhere are quarantining. Events and parties are going virtual. Everyone is Zooming. If you want to perform a magic show, you have to learn...

Scrub-a-Dub-Dub -  Full Show Script Magic download (ebook)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Scrub-a-Dub-Dub - Full Show Script
Magic download (ebook) by Danny Orleans and Chris Michael - 30.00

Preventing the spread of germs and viruses. That’s the #1 topic on everyone’s mind. That’s why AmazeKids’ Danny Orleans and Chris Michael have...

Unicorns, Dragons and Bookworms…Oh My! Magic download (ebook)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Unicorns, Dragons and Bookworms…Oh My!
Magic download (ebook) by Tom Hughes - 34.80

“Imagine Your Story.” That’s the 2020 Collaborative Summer Library Program theme. Are you ready to incorporate that theme in your summer library...

Social Media Content Planner Magic download (ebook)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Social Media Content Planner
Magic download (ebook) by Mitch Zeltzer - 45.00

What’s the #1 reason that your kids entertainment business isn’t getting a lot of engagement on social media? It’s simple. You aren’t posting what...

Clap and Cheer Magic download (ebook)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Clap and Cheer
Magic download (ebook) by Tom Hughes - 22.80

“Clap and Cheer!” It’s the cry of the busker—the street performer—who captivates a crowd, delights them with his antics, and then passes his hat to...

AmazeCups Trick
Vanishing Inc. exclusive AmazeCups
Trick by Werry - 24.95

Coins. Glitter. Salt. Milk. Juice. M&Ms. You can make so many things appear when you perform AmazeCups. You show three small cups, one at a time....

The Crystal Tube Trick
The Crystal Tube
Trick by Goshman - 11.68

A crystal tube is shown. The magician puts inside the tube, three separate silks. He then blows the silks from the tube where they have magically...

Break Away Magic download (ebook)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Break Away
Magic download (ebook) by AmazeKids - Danny Orleans - 12.00

The Breakaway Wand. If you think it’s magic’s biggest cliché, wait until you've read this e-book! The traditional approach where the onstage kid...

The Daycare Magician Magic download (ebook)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive The Daycare Magician
Magic download (ebook) by Tom Boleware - 34.80

Ever met a pro kids magician who, for 20 years, also owned a childcare center? What could he teach you about doing kids magic at preschools? As it...

Baffling Blocks Trick
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Baffling Blocks
Trick by Eric Leclerc - 18.75 - normally $25.00

Ever make a Paddle Trick from a kids' toy? Canadian TV Star and magician Eric Leclerc did! It's a great strolling magic trick that is fun to perform...

Magic Dave's Magic Class (Download) Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Magic Dave's Magic Class (Download)
Magic download (video) by David Williamson - 18.00

The funniest magician in magic? Many think, David Williamson takes the prize. Did you know that a lot of his shows are family-oriented? It's true!...

Libraries Rock Magic download (ebook)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Libraries Rock
Magic download (ebook) by Tom Hughes - 34.80

Would you like to learn the secret to creating the perfect library show? One that will get you booked and re-booked at libraries in your area? Tom...

How to be a Professional Stupid Magic download (ebook)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive How to be a Professional Stupid
Magic download (ebook) by Max Marshall - 24.00

If you enjoy performing physical comedy, silliness, sight gags and sometimes stupid (and we mean that in only the most professional way) stunts for...

Excellence in Family Magic Book
Excellence in Family Magic
Book by Scott Green - 40.00

Struggling to come up with engaging magic for all ages? Worried that your family show bores adults? Tired of seeing grownups in the crowd more...

Magic Tricks You Can Do Magic download (ebook)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Magic Tricks You Can Do
Magic download (ebook) by Ryan Pilling - 34.80

Do spectators ever ask you, “How can I learn magic tricks?” Imagine the delight on a layman’s face if you give them a booklet and say, “Here are 5...

Perform Like A Game Show Host Magic download (ebook)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Perform Like A Game Show Host
Magic download (ebook) by Scott Green - 30.00

What can magicians learn from TV’s greatest game show hosts? As it turns out, a lot! Author and professional magician Scott Green should know. He’s...

The Art of Teaching Magic to Children ebook Magic download (ebook)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive The Art of Teaching Magic to Children ebook
Magic download (ebook) by Danny Orleans - 24.00

Danny Orleans has been teaching children how to perform magic at libraries, YMCAs, community centers, summer camps, after-school programs and park...

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Amazekids Top Picks

Break Away
The Breakaway Wand. If you think it’s magic’s biggest cliché, wait until you've read...
Looking for a colorful magical sight gag for your Zoom show? Something that will make the...
Lights Camera Magic
People everywhere are quarantining. Events and parties are...
Pizza Paddle
One of the biggest challenges for kids magicians is finding powerful CLOSE-UP effects...
Kids Show Masterplan
Danny Orleans' new book is destined to become the...
Danny Orleans

Hear about our kids magic releases

We'll email you as soon as we launch a new kids magic routine from our exclusives range:

Magic for Kids Entertainers

AmazeKids was created because it needed to be. You see, we believe performing magic for kids can be an art, and there was no place for children's magicians to come together, learn together, and improve their shows.

Our own range of magic

Modern kids magicians need new ideas, and so Vanishing Inc. has collaborated with Danny Orleans to create a produce a series of colorful, fun, modern routines for the modern childrens entertainer.

Meet Danny Orleans

With a degree in elementary education, real-time experience as both a kindergarten and middle school teacher and over thirty years of experience performing professionally for children, Danny Orleans is one of world's foremost experts on how to entertain young people. Based out of Chicago, he has performed Family Shows at kids’ parties, schools, museums and huge theaters throughout North America. Scholastic Publishing hired him to author over ten books which teach children how to perform magic.

Danny is one of the most respected creators, thinkers, and authors on children's magic. He has released two DVD sets on the Art of Presenting Magic to Children and Teenagers as well as the critically acclaimed book, Kids Show Masterplan. All of this makes him perfectly suited to develop new products and curate this website as well as help you choose tricks for your show.

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