Learn how to get booked and re-booked at libraries in your area! The secret? Customizing and marketing your show around the Summer 2017...
Do people ever ask you, “How can I learn magic tricks?” Imagine the delight on a layman’s face if you give them a booklet and say, “Here are 5...
Are you looking to fill your schedule on weekdays? Would you like to learn how to create a successful program for three, four and five-year-olds?...
Are you booked for the Christmas season? Need some ideas to inject holiday references in your kids show? Marc Dibowski has the answers -- hundreds...
Danny Orleans' new book is destined to become the modern-day guide to performing magic for children. Combining his classroom experience as a...
This DVD/ Download set on how to do magic for kids has been recognized by critics worldwide as the best ever produced! Danny Orleans – a former...
Danny Orleans take you a magical journey over the rainbow to a place where crayons vanish and suddenly materialize on the pages of a blank coloring...
Kids love silks! They squash up real small. They expand into bright, bold colors. When they magically travel from one place to another, wondrous and...