Blunt - David Kemsley - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop


Trick by David Kemsley
19.99 Possibly discontinued.
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19.99 usd

Trick by David Kemsley (19.99)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

David Kemsley's brilliant mind keeps surprising us!


A brand new pencil sharpens itself instantly and just so you do not hurt yourself you can turn it back to a new un-sharpened pencil. How about that?

Very easy to learn and perform. Blunt does almost all the work for you!

You can use it in trade shows, street magic, or kid shows. The possibilities are endless!

The effect needs a gimmick, and the instructional booklet teaches you in detail how to perform the trick and how to construct the gimmick at home.

Get now one of the most original ideas we have ever seen!

Pages - 8 - Color and Black & White, Photo-Illustrated, Saddle Stitched.


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