Famous Faced - Four Card Trick - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Famous Faced - Four Card Trick

Trick by Paul Romhany
25.00 Possibly discontinued.
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Famous Faced - Four Card Trick

25.00 usd

Trick by Paul Romhany (25.00)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

Paul Romhany has been performing a version of this routine for well over twenty years. He recently teamed up with Kyle Peron and they together they have taken the classic twisting The Aces Effect and re-designed it so you can now perform it for kids using four world famous magicians.

A multiphase four card routine where the cards turn face down one at a time, then face up. The backs of all the cards change color from red to black, then ALL the backs of the cards change color and design. The FOUR famous magicians include: David Copperfield, Doug Henning, Harry Houdini, and Cardini.

This is the perfect trick to have on you if you need to perform a trick for kids. You can create a story around some legends in magic as well as perform a very visual trick using the cards. It makes the perfect walk-around effect and something you will carry in your pocket and be ready to perform at anytime.

Ideal for all levels of people who love magic!


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