Genuine Half-Dollar RingBy Diamond Jim Tyler - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Genuine Half-Dollar RingBy Diamond Jim Tyler

Trick by Jim Tyler
20.00 Possibly discontinued.
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Genuine Half-Dollar RingBy Diamond Jim Tyler

20.00 usd

Trick by Jim Tyler (20.00)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

This uncirculated 1976 Bicentennial Kennedy Half-Dollar has been transformed into a ring. Each ring is unique and took hours to make. In the old days coins were beaten with a spoon or hammer to create a silver dent-faced ring. However this ring was created by a modern day wizard who's used a method for keeping the artwork on the coin mostly intact inside and out. Plus, the ring has been polished and custom sized to fit you! This numismatic jewelry can be displayed and worn as a piece of art or used to do a Karate Coin, Spellbound, Ring & String, etc.

The included instructions tell you how to blacken the flat part of the ring and leave the raised parts silver and shiny if you wish.


Review Genuine Half-Dollar RingBy Diamond Jim Tyler


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