Ghost Alarm Clock - Taiwan Ben Magic Shop - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Ghost Alarm Clock

Trick by Taiwan Ben Magic Shop
450.00 Possibly discontinued.
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Ghost Alarm Clock

450.00 usd

Trick by Taiwan Ben Magic Shop (450.00)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

Sense the beginning of time people have been attempting to contact the spirit world.
This antique alarm clock is the link between you, your audience and the spirit world.
With this extremely versatile gimmick you will be able to perform for audiences of one to one thousand!
The Ghost Alarm Clock is a one of a kind item that will add excitement, mystery & wonder to your show.

Extremely well made!
Perform surrounded
Remote activated
Custom carrying case
The package comes with video explanation.

Note: DVD only playable on PC.


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