Big Friday Download Bundle - magic blog

Big Friday Download Bundle

By Alex Robertson - Sunday, November 22, 2020

In our Big Friday Sale we have got more free gifts than ever before. And we're the only magic shop that lets you choose your own gifts. One of the gifts we are most excited about is our Big Friday 2020 Download Bundle. This bundle comes free with every order and it is packed with tricks and moves that will be sure to keep you busy. The download is almost 2 hours long (1:56:08) and it contains five tricks and five moves from some of our most popular products over recent years. We have put some of our favourite tricks and effects into this download bundle, and the combined value of them all is worth $100. Here is what is included in the bundle that you receive for free with an order with us during the sale:

The Tricks:

It Cuts Deep by Ryan Scultz From: Super Strong Super Simple A great trick with a shuffled deck that you can do anytime anywhere.

Clue by Caleb Wiles From: Main Event: The Knockout Magic of Caleb Wiles An easy-to-do effect using a fascinating and rarely-seen card magic principle. Watch out for the curveball at the end!

Brute Force Opening by Denis Behr From: Magic on Tap An amazing opener you can use whether table hopping or at a table, 3 amazing moments of magic that will leave your spectators stunned.

Dirty Secret Club by Luke Jermay From: Premise and Premonition A cabaret or parlour effect. Packed with storytelling and mind reading, a very strong trick that you can make up yourself quickly and easily with everyday materials.

My Magic Ukulele by Héctor Mancha From: My Silly Tricks You come out playing a ukulele (why wouldn't you?!) and ask for a card to be named. You then pull off one of the strings of the ukulele and light it on a match. The string ignites and at your fingertips is the FREELY named card! This is a killer opener and there are no restrictions, any card can be named.

The Moves:

From: Card Magic Masterclass - Roberto Giobbi
Hand to Hand False Swing cut
Break Control
Charlie Miller Table Spread Force
Side Steal
The Mexican Turnover

Remember this bundle comes free with every order during our Big Friday Sale, it’s our gift to you for placing an order with us during our sale. Thank you and enjoy!

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