Don’t even THINK about calling this a Fire Sale

By Vanishing Inc. - Saturday, June 8, 2024

When something catastrophic happens (like yesterday, when our entire warehouse burned to the ground), we’re all reminded very quickly about the things that really matter. Our staff jumped into action and we were overcome with gratitude.

The second lesson we learned is this: laughing always helps. Some of us were fighting back tears, and then someone suggested we offer a sale on digital products. Damian, our marketing director, didn’t miss a beat. “We’ll call it a…fire sale!” It’s funny. It’s pretty dark, but it’s the joke we all needed at that moment. Thanks Damian.

So many of you have reached out and asked the same two questions: “Is everyone safe?” and “How can we help?” Everyone is safe, which is what matters most.

Here’s how you can help, if you’d like to. You can help by participating in our sale of digital products.

This is the moment you might consider trying our ebooks, which we just released. This is the moment to purchase a Masterclass, or to subscribe. This is the moment to check out one of our–literally–thousands of downloads. Our staff has nominated some of their favorites, and highlighted them at the bottom of this email.

Your support of digital products would be an enormous help right now. At this moment our warehouse is out of commission. But any purchase you make for this Fire Sale (are we really going to call it that? I guess so…) would be so helpful and appreciated to keep things operational while we continue implementation of our new operational plans.

As a courtesy, we’re discounting ebooks, downloads, and past Masterclass sessions by 15%. Just use the code FIRESALE on checkout and we’ll automatically add the discount to your order on any digital goods we produce.

We’re beyond grateful that so many of you have reached out, and that you wish to help. Everything is going to be fine on our end–we’re not looking for (or accepting) donations–we want to do what we do every day: offer the community powerful tools to perform magic. Our inbox is overflowing with well-wishes and good thoughts for our recovery. This is appreciated more than you could possibly know, and we’re using it as fuel to rebuild and recover. We appreciate the consideration for this sale, which we’re going to offer for three days.

Thanks, each of you, for believing in us. We ended our company-wide meeting today by assuring our team and ourselves…this is our moment. This is where we get to do the very best work we’ve ever done.

Reader comments:

David Matkin

Saturday, 08 June 2024 23:08 PM - Reply to this comment

Thinking and praying for you all! Take care a look after one another as I know you do all the time.

All the best!


Saturday, 08 June 2024 23:46 PM - Reply to this comment

Love Vanishing Inc Magic... you folks are awesome and I have so much respect for you. Blessings to all impacted by this situation.


Saturday, 08 June 2024 23:57 PM - Reply to this comment

I heard that the team at Murphy’s Magic is providing assistance to the Vanishing Inc team and that is awesome. There are great people at Vanishing Inc, Murphy’s and even at Penguin Magic.


Sunday, 09 June 2024 01:31 AM

That is great to hear! All of the magic community should always stick together and support one another…it is such a giving art form and does so much to bring people together!


Sunday, 09 June 2024 00:05 AM - Reply to this comment

I am so sorry to hear about the fire. Although VI is web based they are my ‘local magic shop’ and I’m in New Jersey. The news of the fire is really upsetting but I am so thankful no one was hurt. A Fire Sale is genius to bring some levity to an upsetting event. We need VI to keep our art open and available to veterans and newcomers. Stay strong and keep yours heads up during this tough time. VI will rebuild stronger, bigger, faster, and more magical than ever!!! With much love…David P.

Juan Pablo

Sunday, 09 June 2024 07:53 AM - Reply to this comment

Es el momento de mostrar nuestro agradecimiento a Vanishing Inc por tanto que han hecho por la comunidad de la magia en el mundo, apoyemos con una compra de alguna descarga, esperamos que pronto este funcionando de nuevo el negocio, y un fuerte abrazo al grandioso equipo de personas de Vanishing Inc


Sunday, 09 June 2024 15:26 PM - Reply to this comment

Wow very upsetting to hear. But I am glad all are safe .


Sunday, 09 June 2024 16:42 PM - Reply to this comment

The Phoenix shall rise from the ashes!

Jeffrey S

Sunday, 09 June 2024 21:02 PM - Reply to this comment

So sorry to learn of this tough news but know to learn that everyone is safe and all that is lost is "stuff" - material things can be replaced over time. Keeping you all in my positive thoughts and healing prayers for recovery as you go through this tough time. We, your loyal customers, are here for you. Let us know how we can help. Will definitely be ordering some "firesafe" downloads.


Monday, 10 June 2024 14:19 PM - Reply to this comment

So sorry to hear about this.

Joe M.

Monday, 10 June 2024 15:57 PM - Reply to this comment

Praying for the strong comeback which I already know is in store. Ordered some downloads today. See you guys down the road!


Tuesday, 11 June 2024 08:06 AM - Reply to this comment

I've just read this horrible news, I'm glad to hear that everyone is ok.
I've started getting into magic since visiting Pier 39 and talking to your lovely colleagues there.
I'm sure you'll get back on your feet asap but I wish you all well
Best wishes from us all in the UK
Regards, Rob


Wednesday, 12 June 2024 01:09 AM - Reply to this comment

I’m an amateur who seldom if ever performs magic for others, but I’m smitten with effects, theory, and especially magic books, and no one publishes more mind-bending or more sumptuous magic books than Vanishing Inc. The thought that any such tomes might have gone up in flames horrifies me, but thank Thurston that no lives were lost. We’re grateful for the mind-bending material you make available to the world and will do what we can to boost your spirits and your coffers in this difficult time. Hang in there—magic does happen.


Thursday, 13 June 2024 19:58 PM - Reply to this comment

Sorry guys, while I appreciate the gesture you can keep the 15%. Your contribution to the community has been outstanding in so many ways that I want to return the favor and give you 100% support. Thank you for all you and I'm going to send positive vibes out to you during this trying time.


Thursday, 13 June 2024 21:51 PM - Reply to this comment

I have long thought that Vanishing Inc had "class".

By pure chance last Saturday, I placed a small order.

Literally moments later I read about Sacramento burning to the ground.

My first thoughts were for everyone who worked there--and what they were going to do.

My little order had to have been WAY down the list in terms of importance! Saying they had bigger fish to fry is a joke of an understatement.

Obviously I would have completely understood and would never have questioned a delay. Indeed I expected some sort of delay--I mean the place just burned down!

With everything they must be dealing with, how could there not be a delay?

I received my order yesterday--actually a day ahead of schedule.

I am impressed and humbled but not in the least surprised; again, pure class.

Thank you,

Best of luck to all at Vanishing Inc.

David Cox


Friday, 14 June 2024 13:16 PM - Reply to this comment

Sad to hear this but everyone is okay and that is more important. All the best, Brian

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