Joshua Jay: Magic By Numbers - magic blog

Joshua Jay: Magic By Numbers

By Joshua Jay - Monday, May 4, 2020

In this provocative talk, Joshua Jay unveils shocking new revelations and data about things nearly every magician gets wrong. Jay will explain and interpret a study on magic he co-authored with the College of New Jersey, and show the direct relationship between using an introduction and how an audience perceives your magic, how to make card tricks more memorable, and how to choose audience volunteers.

Reader comments:


Monday, 06 April 2020 15:35 PM - Reply to this comment

Is the study available to download and read?


Tuesday, 07 April 2020 12:47 PM - Reply to this comment

Great talk Josh! It's clear you're passionate about this research. As an amateur magician that works in Higher Ed myself, I also love learning more about ties between research and magic (or education and magic), and would be excited to learn more from any future research studies!


Thursday, 04 June 2020 19:20 PM - Reply to this comment

Great talk thank you. We can all learn something from this study. For me (putting tricks on a Facebook page for friends and family), I can immediately add quality with a strong introduction. I love card tricks with props so that was also good to see coming up.


Tuesday, 28 March 2023 04:14 AM - Reply to this comment

WOW!! Thank you for this fascinating information!

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