Vanishing Inc. Masterclass Live - Our Goals

By Josh and Andi - Saturday, June 13, 2020

Vanishing Inc. Live Lectures For years we've been searching for an ideal way to convey magic instruction online. We've settled on a format that differs from other ways of learning online:

Serial Lessons: Rather than an information dump all at once in a marathon four-hour recording, we feel it's advantageous to meet regularly over the course of a month, in shorter, more potent sessions.

Interaction: With a pre-recorded lecture, there is no interaction. With conference call software, there is too much interaction and it disrupts the flow and content of the speaker. We've decided that each lesson will be an hour of content, as a lecture, and then thirty minutes of interactive questions and viewer-guided instruction. We believe this gives the nearest-possible approach to a private lesson in person.

Best Tech: During the pandemic, we've seen valiant efforts disrupted by connectivity issues, poor resolution, bad lighting, and limiting software. Our team has spent months developing our own unique cocktail of cutting-edge cameras, instruction for our teachers in how best to film themselves, and a software platform far more advanced than anything you're likely to have seen before. You're going to be astounded by how enjoyable it is to learn from home with Masterclass: Live. (And the best part: there's no software to install, or hoops to jump through — everything just works on our website.)

A Series: Most online events are individual sign-ups. We're encouraging you to subscribe for monthly lessons and are committed to sharing who will be lecturing at least three months in advance.

Curation: We aren't simply choosing the most famous magicians or our favorite teachers. We've selected people who are underexposed, and we've asked them to do material that is not easy to find or not yet in print.

Masterclass: live

Reader comments:


Saturday, 13 June 2020 19:26 PM - Reply to this comment

Is this going to be available for purchase after the lectures have happened, kind of like the At The Table lectures?


Saturday, 13 June 2020 20:55 PM - Reply to this comment

And vanishing inc does it! You guys are the best


Tuesday, 16 June 2020 21:20 PM - Reply to this comment

Could u get shin lim on there

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