Vanishing Inc. Magic Blog - page 41

The latest magic tricks, interviews, articles, essays and hints and tips from Vanishing Inc.

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South Africa Magic Lab

South Africa Magic Lab

Vanishing Inc. - Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Category: ShareMagic

We have a vision of building a creativity lab for young magicians. Can you help?

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New Magifest Scholarship Update

New Magifest Scholarship Update

Vanishing Inc. - Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Category: ShareMagic

Learn how we're changing how we grant scholarships at Magifest!

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We Built a Theater!

We Built a Theater!

Vanishing Inc. - Friday, June 30, 2017

Category: ShareMagic

Vanishing Inc. Magic Fund builds a new theater at the College of Magic in South Africa.

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Young People Shine at the Columbus Magifest

Young People Shine at the Columbus Magifest

Vanishing Inc. - Thursday, June 29, 2017

Category: ShareMagic

How we're helping students from Gahanna Lincoln school with their passion for magic!

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Magic Workshop Scholarship Awarded

Magic Workshop Scholarship Awarded

Vanishing Inc. - Thursday, June 29, 2017

Category: ShareMagic

We awarded a scholarship place to a young magician and his parent to Ben Earl's London workshop.

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Benefit Show in NYC

Benefit Show in NYC

Vanishing Inc. - Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Category: ShareMagic

Vanishing Inc. Magic Fund stages a benefit show in NYC, starring Colombian magicians.

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Alberto de Figueiredo's ONE

Alberto de Figueiredo's ONE

Art of Magic - Friday, April 21, 2017

Category: Art of Magic

Alberto de Figueiredo presents ONE, a collection of six marvelous pieces of card magic. As one of the premier magicians in Spain, Alberto has applied his thousands of hours of performing experience to create incredible magic moments that are perfect for formal close-up presentations.

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Excerpt from 'Take Two' by Jamy Ian Swiss

Excerpt from 'Take Two' by Jamy Ian Swiss

Art of Magic - Thursday, March 16, 2017

Category: Art of Magic

We're happy to share an excerpt from a recent Take Two,'s weekly blog written by acclaimed author and renowned magician, Jamy Ian Swiss, which discusses the Cardistry community and a bit about the divide between magic and cardistry. Read the whole article on

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Allan Hagen's Completing the Hand

Allan Hagen's Completing the Hand

Art of Magic - Thursday, December 22, 2016

Category: Art of Magic

Allan Hagen teaches his original material on video for the first time. Completing the Hand is his two-phase poker routine with demonstrations of exceptional memory and skill.

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Asi Wind's Gypsy Queen

Asi Wind's Gypsy Queen

Art of Magic - Friday, December 9, 2016

Category: Art of Magic

After several years of development, Gypsy Queen is finally available. Inspired by working closely with David Blaine over the years, Asi's newest contribution to magic will leave your spectators with a memory and a memento that they will always treasure.

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TV Magic Recap 2016

TV Magic Recap 2016

Art of Magic - Saturday, November 19, 2016

Category: Art of Magic

2016 was a huge year for magic on television. Here we provide a brief showcase of what 2016 had to offer, as the year draws to a close.

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Library of Wonder: Derek Hughes

Library of Wonder: Derek Hughes

Art of Magic - Thursday, October 27, 2016

Category: Art of Magic

Derek Hughes is a quintessential showman. After blowing the competition away on America’s Got Talent this past year, Derek has become a beacon of what good magic can truly be.

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The Power of Magic

The Power of Magic

Art of Magic - Monday, August 29, 2016

Category: Art of Magic

This week's blog is a guest contribution from BJ Bueno, a top retail consultant, marketing strategist, and magician! This blog comes from his boutique marketing strategy firm, The Cult Branding Company.

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Slow Dance

Slow Dance

Art of Magic - Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Category: Art of Magic

Slow Dance is a magical frame designed by Jeff Lieberman that allows objects to move in slow motion without the need of a camera. The mechanics, similar to a zoetrope "combine technology, science, and art in order to remind us of the natural mystery, beauty, and wonder that surround us every day."

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Art of Magic Presents: Flourishes for Magicians

Art of Magic Presents: Flourishes for Magicians

Art of Magic - Monday, August 22, 2016

Category: Art of Magic

Art of Magic is proud to present Franco Pascali teaching Flourishes for Magicians. Within this video, you'll find four beautiful, simple flourishes that an add style to your existing repertoire or can act as fun, exciting to moves to practice.

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Mahdi Gilbert fools Penn & Teller

Mahdi Gilbert fools Penn & Teller

Art of Magic - Monday, August 1, 2016

Category: Art of Magic

Our friend Mahdi succeeded in fooling master magicians Penn & Teller on FOOL US. Watch his performance and learn a little bit more about Mahdi's evolution as a conjuror.

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Art of Magic Presents: Street Magic 2

Art of Magic Presents: Street Magic 2

Art of Magic - Friday, July 29, 2016

Category: Art of Magic

Watch as Franco roams the streets of Los Angeles, performing a selection of miracles from our catalogue, so you can see real world reactions to these strong, visual effects.

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Welcome to The Magic Palace

Welcome to The Magic Palace

Art of Magic - Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Category: Art of Magic

David Ben provides context for the smash hit program, The Magic Palace, Dale Harney's Canadian television program featuring some of the greatest magicians in the world. The exhibition is available in full at

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Library of Wonder: Mahdi Gilbert

Library of Wonder: Mahdi Gilbert

Art of Magic - Monday, July 11, 2016

Category: Art of Magic

Curated by Mahdi Gilbert, June’s Library of Wonder abounds with charming oddities and titans of magic. The collection is not one to take lightly; Mahdi’s countless years of study within the art has procured a vast knowledge of the best conjuring has to offer.

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Earl Nelson performs on The Magic Palace

Earl Nelson performs on The Magic Palace

Art of Magic - Monday, June 27, 2016

Category: Art of Magic

Earl Nelson, a revolutionary card technician and author of Variations, performs a beautifully clean and direct routine on Dale Harney's Canadian magic program, The Magic Palace.

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Dale Harney performs the Finger Chopper

Dale Harney performs the Finger Chopper

Art of Magic - Monday, June 20, 2016

Category: Art of Magic

Dale Harney performs the classic Finger Chopper illusion on the Canadian television series, The Magic Palace.

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Art of Magic Presents: Street Magic

Art of Magic Presents: Street Magic

Art of Magic - Monday, June 6, 2016

Category: Art of Magic

Watch as Franco roams the streets of Los Angeles, performing a selection of miracles from our catalogue, so you can see real world reactions to these strong, visual effects.

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Dale Harney's Magic Palace

Dale Harney's Magic Palace

Art of Magic - Friday, May 20, 2016

Category: Art of Magic

A Canadian television series, The Magic Palace was an inspiration for a generation of magicians. The show was conceived and hosted by Canadian stage illusionist, Dale Harney.

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Code of Secrets

Code of Secrets

Art of Magic - Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Category: Art of Magic

There is no straight path to become a magician. Your commitment to mystify will be an ongoing journey, and we encourage you to see magic in everything.

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Jamy Ian Swiss Book Reviews