Scripting Magic Special Promotion

By Damian Jennings - Monday, March 11, 2024

Tl;dr: Buy Scripting Magic Vol 1 & 2 and get Pete McCabe’s VI Masterclass for free!

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Scripting Magic

Back in 2007 the first volume of Scripting Magic dropped and quickly became one of our most recommended books ever.

It was swiftly followed up by a second volume that was equally as well received.

These books have literally changed the way many magicians perform. Now, you don’t actually need to work from a script, use a script, or even like scripts to get something from this book. Pete himself never tightly uses a script.

It’s more about changing the way you think about the words you say.

The books contain contributions from the biggest names in the world of magic: Teller, Eugene Burger, Michael Ammar, Guy Hollingworth, Michael Weber, David Ben, Eric Mead and many, many, many more.

We genuinely think both volumes are required reading for anyone serious about their magic. Pete expanded on ideas in the books when he lectured for our Vanishing Inc. Masterclass. It was an astonishing month, and the live Q&A was fascinating.

To celebrate the books being reprinted, you can get 15% off if you buy both volumes, and we’ll also give you a copy of Pete McCabe’s VI Masterclass (a value of $75).

But don’t delay, this offer is only good for the next 48 hours.

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