Zipper Playing Card Case (leather) - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Zipper Playing Card Case (leather)

Accessory by TCC Playing Card Co.
19.95 Out of stock. Email me when new stock arrives.
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Zipper Playing Card Case (leather)

19.95 usd

Accessory by TCC Playing Card Co. (19.95)

Out of stock. Email me when new stock arrives.

Let the audience know your cards are special even before you perform with the Zipper Playing Card Case!

Some items say how serious you are about a craft before you do any speaking, and the Zipper Playing Card Case demonstrates that your cards are special tools that deserve care and protection. Crafted from quality cow hide, this case will cradle your cards in comfort until needed for performance.

It's time to let your accessories do the talking for you. Make sure they say "professional" and get your Zipper Playing Card Case today!


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  • William asks: There are two (2) "Zipper Playing Card Case" items, both by "TCC". One is priced at $9.95, on sale for $7.56. The other is this item priced at $19.95, on sale for $15.16. Both appear identical. Can you provide an explanation as to the differences between the two items? If they are the same item then why is there a price differentiation? Thank you.

    • 1. Scott answers: One is made of artificial leather and the other is made of leather.
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