Basic Card Sleights - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Card Magic Basics

Every expert card magician has one thing in common: they have mastered the basics. Therefore, we have put together over 20 video lessons ranging from how to hold a deck to advanced card flourishes to help you familarize yourselves with the fundamental and essential card sleghts.

Card Spread
Card Spread

Learn how to spread playing cards like a professional magician.

Charlier Cut (Charlier Pass)
Charlier Cut (Charlier Pass)

A flashy and easy one-handed cut that all card magicians should learn.

Card Spring
Card Spring

Grab everyone's attention before your favorite card trick by learning this amazing card flourish.

Dealer's Grip (Mechanic's Grip)
Dealer's Grip (Mechanic's Grip)

Learn the proper way to hold a deck of cards for card magic tricks.

Deck Flip
Deck Flip

Flip the deck of cards in the air and catch it cleanly with this classic card flourish.


A fun and elegant card flourish that every beginner card magician should learn.

End Grip
End Grip

An essential card magic grip that all magicians must learn.

Hindu Shuffle
Hindu Shuffle

A versatile shuffle for beginner card magicians that can be used for everything from forcing a playing card to controlling cards.

Kalush's Cut
Kalush's Cut

Learn the fun and easy multi-packet cut that inspired the Sybil Cut.

One-Hand Fan
One-Hand Fan

A fundamental beginner card magic flourish that adds a touch of elegance to any card trick.

Overhand Shuffle
Overhand Shuffle

A basic card sleight used for false shuffles and controlling playing cards in a variety of easy card tricks.


Learn how to spin a playing card on your finger like a basketball with this visually impressive beginner card flourish.

Pressure Fan
Pressure Fan

An easy card flourish that allows you widely spread the playing cards and establish your credibility as a skilled magician or cardist.

Retaining the Bottom Stock
Retaining the Bottom Stock

Discover how to shuffle the deck while secretly maintaining certain playing cards in the bottom part of the deck.

Retaining the Top Stock
Retaining the Top Stock

A beginner card sleight that allows you to control certain playing cards in the top part of the deck while it's being shuffled.

Riffle Shuffle
Riffle Shuffle

Every card magician must learn this proper way to shuffle a deck of cards.

Run Cuts
Run Cuts

An elegant way to cut and shuffle playing cards on a table that any magician or poker player should learn.

Scrape Cut
Scrape Cut

A simple false cut that any beginner card magician can do.

Straddle Grip
Straddle Grip

If you want to perform cardistry or card flourishes, you'll need to first learn the Straddle Grip.

Swing Cut
Swing Cut

Shuffle or control playing cards with this basic method for cutting a deck of cards that is regularly used by everyone from beginner magicians to professional magicians.

Table Riffle Shuffle
Table Riffle Shuffle

From card magicians to poker players, anyone who uses playing cards can benefit from learning how to properly shuffle a deck of cards on a table.

Table Bridge Shuffle
Table Bridge Shuffle

Add a beautiful flourish to the end of your table shuffle with the Table Bridge Shuffle.

Thumb Fan
Thumb Fan

This essential card sleight is both a display of skill and an elegant way to have a playing card selected or returned to the deck.

Under Pressure
Under Pressure

This quick and flashy card flourish is one of the most popular cardistry moves and is a fundamental card sleight for any card magician.


A super easy way to cut a deck of cards like a professional magician.

Waterfall Flourish
Waterfall Flourish

Beautifully transfer playing cards from hand to hand with this basic card sleight for beginner card magicians.

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