Yoann Fontyn - Magical Sleight - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Yoann Fontyn

Magic download (video) by Magical Sleight
Vanishing Inc. exclusive

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Yoann Fontyn

12.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Magical Sleight (12.00)

Yoann Fontyn is a French magician with some of the best chops we’ve ever seen. He came to The Session last year and blew everyone away.

We are proud to offer you an EXCLUSIVE download you will only find here. It’s difficult, but then again, have you ever seen a sequence this pretty and magical looking? Four Aces appear and disappear like rings of smoke. Watch the incredible performance.

Yoann also reveals three of his favorite controls. Each one is simple in appearance, and elegant in construction. These aren’t just moves the sake of moves. He explains two applications: a two-card transposition and a dynamite triumph effect. All this (six items in total) for just ten dollars, ONLY through us.

Running time: 24 minutes, 39 seconds.


Customer reviews for Yoann Fontyn



I really this move I do it all the time. I new as some as I saw it I can use it. The download is well taught. If you put the time into to this move you will pay great dividends. You can apply it to alot of routines you already do.



Yoann delivers on this amazing DL. So many nice things to say about this offering. Just hit add to cart and quit reading all the reviews.You won't be left feeling " robbed" after watching this.
Skott Hughes



a great effect to perform!!



One of the greatest cards moves I have seen in a long time.



I've been watching this demo over and over again, probably time I bought it now haha, looks Awesome!



Yoann is incredible!! He handles cards with such elegance & style, the queens trick is the greatest effect I've seen all year and could easily have been a single trick download, this package is very good value, in fact it's a steal!


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