All Signs Point to Yes - Caleb Wiles - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

All Signs Point to Yes

Magic download (video) by Caleb Wiles
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All Signs Point to Yes

12.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Caleb Wiles (12.00)

This entertaining walk-around piece allows you to change a card three times, all in pursuit of a selection. No table is required, and the presentation is a worker’s dream.

In effect, you have a card selected and lost in the pack. You draw a "mystical" 8-ball on the back of an indifferent card. You ask the ball a question and when you shake the card, it changes to answer your question! The card changes color, suit, and value to match the selected card, and then the card with your drawing BECOMES THE SELECTION. The result is an amazing trick, and a perfect souvenir.

Running time: 7 minutes, 44 seconds.

Buy this download $10, or get all three Caleb Wiles downloads and his Rematched DVD for just $25!

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Customer reviews for All Signs Point to Yes



Great trick with a nostalgic theme. This is just fun. It also makes for a great souvenir.





I really enjoy Caleb's work! Not to hard to do but yet really impressive!


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