
Magic download (video) by Ian Palima
Vanishing Inc. exclusive
4.4 | 9 reviews

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2.40 usd

Magic download (video) by Ian Palima (2.40)

Alouette is a clever blend of cardistry techniques organized into a beautiful animation of rotating packets and spinning cards that flow together all so nicely. A great card flourish from Ian Palima that will help you become a pro in no time.


Customer reviews for Alouette





Impressed a lot with my purchase. This is solid! 10/10 would highly recommend anyone to check it out!



This is one of my favourite flourishes to perform, and I truly love the idea of the spinning packet. It's a quick and flashy flourish that amazes the eye every time you perform it. This flourish surely does inspire many other similar flourishes to come in the future. I have to say that this flourish will prove to be an awesome addition to your collection :)



When you purchase this you will be able to perform within in the next 1 - 2 days depending on your skill level and how much you practice.



This is very flashy and makes spectators in shock, and the flourish it self is fairly easy and is worth the 2 bucks, buy it now!



This is a beautiful looking flourish you can do to impress your audience in between routines, I absolutely love it! The best thing about it, though, is practicing it. I can't say how much fun this flourish is to practice, and once you get it right, the twirling and spinning cards make it look truly wonderful! Highly recommended you learn this flourish :)



This is a very catchy, eye pleasing flourish that can be picked up with relative ease if practiced enough. Great flourish for a great price.



The reason I like this flourish so much is the freedom to variation. The spinning packet and then passing a card into the deck and transfering it on top of the packet is and idea that will inspire many fourishes. I'm definately alreaady incorperating it into my own flourishes.



I’m use the to Buck Twins not speaking in the tutorials, but this doesn’t even have text instructions. I could have watch the trailer over and over and got the same information. A tutorial is meant to give tips and insight from teacher to student . I understand it’s $2 but it would be nice to receive a little more detailed instruction even if that means you made it $5 or something . Everything is easy until it come to the card spin at the end, which there is no advice in placement or the dynamics of the spin. It is left for you to fail over and over again until maybe you find the sweet spot or understand the mechanics. It’s a neat move overall but tutorial is lacking


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