ASCA + Other Miracles - Alex Hansford - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

ASCA + Other Miracles

Magic download (video) by Alex Hansford
4.9 | 12 reviews

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ASCA + Other Miracles

14.40 usd

Magic download (video) by Alex Hansford (14.40)

Sit down with Alex Hansford for an hour-long lesson on a classic utility-move in card magic, the Ascanio Spread.

Whether you're familiar with the sleight or not we highly recommend this instructional video. Alex has spent years mastering this clever way to hold-out cards and offers several unique methods with practical tips and tricks to help guide you to mastery.

Additionally, learn a stunning instant-production of four cards followed by several ways to then change those cards into four different cards.


Customer reviews for ASCA + Other Miracles



This had some really handlings and variations of the ascanio spread that is sure to have something for everyone, including a 4 for 4 change that is magician fooling. I highly recommend for those looking to give this sleight some new life.



This download is so so good. Get it. Alex's touches on the Ascanio spread will make you actually want to use the Ascanio spread. A couple of really nice effects are taught as well to demonstrate the techniques, alongside one of the nicest flashy ace productions I've ever seen.

The teaching is excellent, the footage well shot and the content of very high calibre.
This is some great value. 5 stars.



This download appealed to me because the ascanio spread is something that I use in a bunch of more advanced routines, the variations he teaches here are great and feel more fluid. Practice is an absolute must for these variations especially the amazing one from Kiko he teaches. The change of a 4 of a kind is beautiful but he leaves something out, I figured out how to do this without a big part of the method as he teaches, from playing around with the kiko pasture version he taught for about 10 minutes, so that is a plus but I can't say how here without exposing it. It can be done though.

The control he teaches is probably the only weak thing here, I wouldn't try it at all, other than that... the four of a kind production and the 4 for 4 switch are really beautiful, well worth the money. He teaches a very nice routine which has a deceptive card switch as well, that is also worth the money.

Great teaching and good camera angles breaking down each move.



An amazing and practical sleight of hand with cards. Love it!



Alex has an elegance to his card work that’s very inspiring. As is this download. He teaches his own variation of the Ascanio Spread as well as other versions. Very clearly taught and worth every penny.





I trust that anything released by Alex Hansford is pure gold. This project is no different.







This dowload is one of the best downloads I have ever bought. Alex explains every move very well. Apart from a number of varitians of the Ascanio spread, you are gonna learn a really nice card switch and a stunning four card production. The Ascanio spread is a very useful and versatile move and it is not too hard to learn. You can't go wrong with this download.



I don't usually write reviews, but I had to now. I think this doesn't seem like such a gold, but it is! For everyone who is intrested in sleight of hand - just buy it. And if you are not, buy it anyway, because you'll get into it. The sleight is something everyone should know how to do - you WILL find ways to use it. The basic version is easy as hell and the variations are not so hard to do. The four of a kind change is worth the money itself.
Couple of reasons to buy this:
1) I want to improve my sleight of hand.
2) I want to have fun for over an hour and countless more practicing.
3) I want to hear english gentleman saying "Ever so slightly" over and over again approximately 100 times.

But seriously, gold over here.



It’s a really good method but it need practice but it’s really worth it !
Highly recommended buy it now .


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