Two Incredible Moments - Bebel - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Two Incredible Moments

Magic download (video) by Bebel
Vanishing Inc. exclusive
4.5 | 6 reviews

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Two Incredible Moments

9.59 usd

Magic download (video) by Bebel (9.59)

For us, Bebel is the unsung hero of card magic. His magic is as poetic as his life, and he should be mentioned alongside Rene Lavand, Ricky Jay, and Juan Tamariz as living legends. Yet materials on Bebel are scarce. That's why we're VERY proud to offer you this short, sweet double feature by Bebel. You can only find it on Vanishing Inc. Magic. We filmed it, and we are bringing it to you. Need we say more?

Okay, we'll say a little more. What you have here are two routines that take just seconds in performance, but are worthy of careful study. We call it "Two Incredible Moments" because that's what these tricks incredible "wow" moment, all at once. In "Flash Four Change," four cards change instantaneously without any cover. Even when you're looking for it you miss it. In "Flash Mix" you will find the fastest Oil and Water sequence we have ever seen, and it's ready to be plugged into the routine you already do. 

This download is short and sweet, but what you're investing in is time spent with a living master of misdirection. If you study the construction of these routines, you'll be rewarded with the real lessons Bebel has to offer.


Customer reviews for Two Incredible Moments



I only recently discovered Bebel when I was taking classes at the Magic Castle but, I would have to agree with all the other reviews. He is phenomenal and everything I’ve seen from him so far has been impressive. I’m not a fan of “oil and water” routines but, I would definitely recommend his version.



I've never been disappointed with anything from Babel! This is no exception! Highly recommend!



The other review that said "Living Legend" is so right! Anytime you have an opportunity to soak up knowledge from Bebel, take it and run XD

I actually use the O&W peice to start off my routine and im just waiting for the right time at a restaurant to use the other ;) They are both very magical, not difficult and your spectators appreciate this type of magic as much as we do! You will NOT be disappointed :)



I love all the stuff from Bebel, he is a living legend, if you are a card guy, do yourself a favor and buy EVERYTHING that has his name on it!

This download is great, I love the 'two incredible moments' that he shares, specially the first one. The explanation of both tricks is clear, is in French with English subtitles but very clear, and he teaches variations of both 'incredible moments'.

I would love to see more of Bebel's stuff in Vanishing Inc.




Good magic



Bebel is terrific. Content of the Download is a bit iffy.
First of all, in the description the price is listed at 1.50 cheaper than the actual price.
Secondly the second effect is already available for free in the VI video "Free Summer Download".
The first effect is super and seeing Bebel work is a treat!


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