Broken Window - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Broken Window

Magic download (video) by Darryl Davis, Daryl Williams and The Other Brothers
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Broken Window

9.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Darryl Davis, Daryl Williams and The Other Brothers (9.00)

"Any Card to Any Number" is one of magic's most enduring classics. "Broken Window" is a new take inspired by that plot. In effect, the spectator names any card and chooses any number. The named card is revealed to have the chosen number written on the back. Is it the classic plot? Nope. But it could be considered an even stronger effect, since rather than revealing the named card at a position, the named number is actually WRITTEN on the card. 

The method takes about ten minutes to create, and then the reset is almost instant. No sleights required. 


Running Time: 13 minutes


Customer reviews for Broken Window



This seems great, and I can't wait to add it to my act. I'll be trying it out on relatives first, of course, especially my daughter who thinks she knows all kinds of magic tricks. I think I'll start with the way it was taught by Darryl, then move to the way Darryl taught it. The bolder way to do it seems to be the one in the performance video where the spectators are writing the numbers; that may come with time.



Wow! This beauty of a easy trick fries and flies so nice! It will pay bills in the hands of a working magician, and for the hobbiest magician...Just buy this now!
Thanks guys for such a clever, simple, and FUN routine! This is a must have...and if you expose the secret on YouTube the men in black will find you! Have fun and share more love everyone. -Billy Jamez -Vermonts Wonderment Conjurer



A different approach of the ACAAN plot, this do not require any skill. It’s good, it seems as if you didn’t do anything when you actually do because the only move that you need (which do not require skill) is very well covered. They teach two versions so you can choose the one that fits your style better.


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