Card Sleights - Shin Lim - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Card Sleights

Magic download (video) by Shin Lim

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Card Sleights

10.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Shin Lim (10.00)

Shin Lim's go to routine with a deck of cards!

Learn what Shin Lim does when somebody hands him a deck of playing cards and asks him to perform. Fast. Effective. Amazing card magic at its finest. Taught to you by a master.

While several effects are shown in the trailer, this particular download teaches you this one effect. Others are available for download as well.


Customer reviews for Card Sleights



Great 4 phase routine that can be done anywhere, anytime, with any deck with a great ending.


Community questions about Card Sleights

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  • Kieran asks: What skill level is required to be able to perform this trick, is it more suited for a beginner or intermediate magician?

    • 1. Dottore answers: Intermediate.
    Post an answer to this question
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