Card Tempos Bundle - Paul Robaia - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Card Tempos Bundle

Magic download (video) by Paul Robaia
Vanishing Inc. exclusive

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Card Tempos Bundle

12.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Paul Robaia (12.00)

Turn up the volume to Card Tempos, the debut release of amateur magician and cardist Paul Robaia. Featuring a collection of 10 original moves; from one-handed cuts to isolations, Paul packs in a variety of unique flourishes ranging from novice to expert.


Customer reviews for Card Tempos Bundle



the card moves in this video are beyond words of explanation the movement of every card is so elegant it can enhance any magic card trick in every way weather the card trick is a very simple looking trick throw in some of these moves and it makes the whole trick look amazing



Amazing collection of card flourishes!!!



Very Nice move. I like it...



In using the tutorials I felt like background music would have been nice, it would have been nice to have a clip of the performance before the tutorial, I had to go back to the trailer video a few times to look at the performances at speed to know if I wanted to learn the flourish being taught. Not big deals just slightly inconvenient, overall the quality of the material and sheer amount were definitely worth more than the $10, thank you very much for the value!


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