Darwin Ortiz on the Memorized Deck

Magic download (video) by Darwin Ortiz
Vanishing Inc. exclusive

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Darwin Ortiz on the Memorized Deck

12.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Darwin Ortiz (12.00)

There are very few performers around the world whose work with the memorized deck have changed the course of magic. Darwin Ortiz is one of those and we are proud to be able to offer this exclusive download of Darwin sharing his thoughts on the memorized deck. You'll learn:

Test Your Luck: the perfect effect for a newcomer to memorized deck work, yet also an effect so strong that Darwin performs it regularly. A participant thrusts an indifferent card into the deck and places it directly next to a card that he merely names.

Card Sense: an effect that you need to see to believe! In an impossibly fair way (and after many shuffles), Darwin is able to correctly identify cards that participants cut to, cards in the middle of a packet and much more!

This isn't just a download about tricks, but a detailed look at memorized deck magic from one of the field's very few experts. For the beginner, he gives some important insights into performing this style of magic. If you are new to memorized deck magic, be sure to check out our free Simon Aronson ebook on the subject.

Running time: 27 minutes.

Darwin Ortiz download


Customer reviews for Darwin Ortiz on the Memorized Deck



I bought this after buying the Particle system and seeing someone mention one of the tricks in here. It is well worth it to me as I see how I can make it work with the Particle system. The presentation as well as the explanations are superb. I can see why he is so highly regarded.



One of the ways I judge a magician's skill during a performance is if I know the method and yet after watching the performance I think, "How'd he do that?" Now keep in mind the name of this video, after I watched Darwin Ortiz's perform the effects before he goes into the explanation, I immediately thought "How did he do that?"

Darwin Ortiz is that good (In my opinion, he was one of the top 5 card magicians on the planet). Therefore, if you're on the fence about memorized deck systems this video will convince you it's a worthwhile effort to learn one. Which one you may ask? His answer...is in the video (I'm avoiding spoilers). However, it's a very excellent piece of advice to go along with his excellent teaching and explanations.

Even if you're not going to learn a memorized system, this is a worthwhile video purchase just to watch Darwin Ortiz perform excellent card magic.

Highly recommended.



So good, Darwin is a legend. I’ve always loved mem deck work. Like Asi wind said,memorizing a stack is like walking around with a super power and I couldn’t agree more.

VI Monthly


Excellent. Direct and to the point. Only wish it were longer.





Really inspired me to get into memorised deck work, the effects Ortiz shows are as amazing as ever. Highly recommended!



Very interesting and detailed.

VI Monthly


This is what inspired me to finally begin memorizing a deck. Can't wait to learn it so I can use the information described by Darwin Ortiz.

VI Monthly


Darwin Ortiz on the Memorized Deck is a bargain at only $12. "Test Your Luck" is the perfect first memorized deck effect and the follow-up "Card Sense" is a nice fooler. I appreciated Mr. Ortiz's discussion of the choice of deck and deck switching using a quote from Fred Kaps. Most are probably familiar with the work and teaching of Darwin Ortiz but for those who are not, the presentation, effect, skills, and performance choices are well-developed and clearly explained. For Memorized Deck beginners, intermediate, and advanced, this video segment from Darwin Ortiz is some of the best work on the topic.





It's just two tricks, but two very good tricks with that. This a great download for anyone working with a memorized deck. I think this is a great download for someone who just started using a memdeck, but also if you are using a memdeck for a longer time.





Great tips to build upon my evolving knowledge of the memorized deck. Even though the lecture is short, he goes over nice subtleties in the performance of these strong card effects. The routine is not that technically difficult and is stack independent so can be used with the various stacks most commonly employed.



Darwin demonstrates and explains two simple but very effective memory deck effects in his usual easy going style, and as usual it is suffused with little insights and the wisdom of a guru. There's not much info on stacks in general here other than the undeniable advice to learn a stack today if you haven't already; any stack is better than procrastinating by looking for the "best" stack. Entertaining, Enjoyable, Informative.





A number of wonderful routines presented by a true master. Teaching is clear and concise, everything being well explained. The video quality is good. All in all a great addition to the repertoire of anyone interested in what you can do with a memorized deck.



VI Monthly


Great effects to add to any memorized deck presentation.



Good video :)

The tricks are clever and the explanations are clear and interesting.
The tricks aren't hard and don't involve hard slights (in my opinion).

But there are more than just explanations of tricks in this video - Darwin also gives theory tips about audience management, right timing of actions and subtlety moves.

the recording seems to be a bit old (there are some background noises from time to time and the resolution could be better).

but all in all the material is more important, and it's great.
I recommend



The video has two great routines, fantastic tips on audience management, and ideas for glimpsing using a mem deck. Info on deck switches, and which stack to choose is minimal. Otherwise a worthwhile a video!



Needed this casual, balanced approach to whatever mem-deck you choose. He didn't push one over the other but rather applied principles that could apply to whatever memorized stack you've chosen. That was a nice breath of fresh air.

VI Monthly


A bargain at 12 bucks. But the most valuable tip here can be used in all our magic: how to create an off-beat.



This is a great starting point for anyone getting into memorized deck routines. He explains the principles and what can be done with the deck. This isn't a "cheat sheet" to help you learn a stack, you need to do that on your own. But once you have a stack down, Darwin Ortiz will show you what you can do is limitless.



Darwin's contents are always amazing, nice bonus tip at the end of the video.





Darwin Ortiz is amazing,. His explanations and reasoning for various moves and techniques are based in real world experience. I kept waiting for which memorized deck setup he used and at the end it really doesn't matter, which ever one you are comfortable with will work.



This was my first introduction to memorized deck work and it was well worth the money. I memorized a stack a while back because I heard you could do miracles -- but after it was memorized I had no clue what to do with it!

This video is part of a live lecture and for the first of two effects Ortiz assumes the viewer knows some card basics such as a false cut, false shuffle, and how to cull a card. If you don't know those, they're things you should probably learn sooner rather than later, anyway.

The second of two effects *could* be done with just a stack although the last phase would be easier with a memorized stack.

Finally, Ortiz answers a couple questions about stacks, such as which one to memorize, etc. (I learned Doug Dyment's DAO stack and then memorized it, too).

The video is a bit under 30 minutes and worth watching if you're just getting into memorized deck stuff.



Thats the way! Thx a lot


Spoiled Brats

Excellent effects by a true master of card magic.









Darwin Ortiz is a great teacher, his performance and explanation of these two tricks are brilliant. He has excellent advise on which memorised stack to use, told in the context of a very funny story. He also has fantastic tips on how to locate cards and re-stack your deck.


Edward T.

Darwin Ortiz's video on memorized deck work is informative as well as entertaining. The routines and explanations are superlative. After all, it's Darwin Ortiz; it doesn't get any better than that.





Great routines. Darwin's scripts may not fit you yet the methods are solid and you can accomodate them to your own story.



Just awesome. The greatest pleasure to watch Darwin Ortiz. Thanks!!



Darwin is a master not also with a shuffled deck but also with a mem deck. The tricks shared in this download are great. Banker vs broker is my go to mem deck effect. Darwin goes into detail with both effects and they require almost no slight of hand, the memorizing of a full deck might seem hard but with everything you dan do with that it definitely is worth the hard work. One you Lear your stack you'll never forget it.



??. The fine points he makes on certain parts of the tricks are very useful. So even if u don’t do any of these tricks... you’ll get your money’s worth.



I thought the ideas here were fantastic! Just the suggestions for glimpsing subtly were worth the price of admission. I wish that Darwin had gone the the explanation a little more slowly, because I may have to go back for a couple things, but it is well worth it. And for $9, it is worth many times the asking price.



A wonderful man Darwin is, his effects are truly beautiful pieces of magic, his methods consist of beauty and there is purity within his effects, such clarity and purity within an effect truly makes an effect beautiful.





This is a great dive in for someone who is just getting started on memorized deck work and looking for some tips and a couple of tricks. I was thrilled with it and love learning anything from Darwin. Well worth its price.



Ortiz is the best.







This is a fantastic introduction to memdeck work. I wasn't familiar with the concept at first, but by the end I was already looking for a stack to memorize. The effects are great examples of what can be done with a memdeck outside of self-working and traditional name-a-card tricks. Highly recommended!



Two great demonstrations, and explanations on memorized decks, He uses some nice but simple moves, which is all revealed in this video.
Plus a couple off different ideas as to what memorized decks to use, plus how to do deck switches
The answere are so simple, but usefull to no.



As with Mr. Ortiz's products; very smart and insightful information. I thoroughly enjoyed the video. And Vanishing Inc. Delivery was immediate and professional. I will be checking in with Vanishing Inc. first on my next purchase. Good Job on the site!



This is a great way to start using your favorite memorized deck. The effects are very streamlined and commercial. Even if you don't use the effects there is lots to learn about the Darwin Ortiz approach to memorized deck magic.



Darwin explains two effects that will go directly into your repertoire if you use a memorized deck. Test your Luck is a very good piece of magic, a good opener with a great patter. Color Sense if one of those things that will completely blow people’s mind, they will never want to play with you. You can see that these are pieces that Darwin often performs for real people.



Wow! Darwin Ortiz does downloads!?

I loved the new book and these downloads are just as great. Darwin is a one of a kind and I think it's great that Vanishing Inc. have worked with him. Really great work team.



This video has two really strong tricks, and very nice tips and thoughts from a master. Neither require hard sleights, though one requires you to be able to spread-cull a single card without issue. The first is a sort of card-at-a-number in which the spectator stabs a card, and the second a three card prediction that demonstrates some very nice psychology and sneaky glimpsing. These are totally worth the price.

My only complaint is that the description from Vanishing Inc is disingenuous: he doesn't help a beginner choose a stack at all, rather he just says "it doesn't matter, just get started!" So if you read the description and bought this hoping for the pros and cons of various stacks, you would feel misled.

I'm really happy with the video. I'm not happy that Vanishing Inc has put a misleading sales description of it that makes it seem there's more there than there is.


Community questions about Darwin Ortiz on the Memorized Deck

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Edward Alexander asks: I'm looking for any DVD by Darwin Ortiz that has Zen Master on it.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Here we go: https://www.vanishingincmagic.com/magic/card-magic/darwin-ortiz-collection/
  • Dave asks: Is the Si Stubbins Secret explanation included in download?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is not. You can find Si Stebbins Secret here: https://www.vanishingincmagic.com/magic-dvds/at-the-card-table-volume-2/
  • Sam asks: Does either of the taught tricks destroy the stack ?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: No
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