Double Exposure - Asi Wind - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Double Exposure

Magic download (video) by Asi Wind

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Double Exposure

19.95 usd

Magic download (video) by Asi Wind (19.95)

A mind-blowing new take on a classic effect. Double Exposure by Asi Wind is a reality-altering version of Triumph that happens within a borrowed camera under your spectators complete control.

Performed by David Blaine on national television. For those of you who have seen David Blaine's TV Magic special, "Real or Magic", you know how powerful "Double Exposure" by Asi Wind is.

There are no gimmicks or special applications needed. 100% impromptu. Just you, a deck of cards, and a borrowed camera are all that's necessary.

In addition to Asi teaching multiple handlings of the trick in great detail you will be able to watch two full-length live performances, with and without commentary, along with a short interview where Asi provides performance tips and more.

NOTE: You will need to know how to do a faro shuffle to perform this effect. It does not need to be a perfect faro shuffle. If you're just getting started with the faro shuffle, this is a great effect to practice it with.


Customer reviews for Double Exposure



Brilliant effect that gets huge reactions every time. Asi is a great teacher and gives very easy-to-follow instructions on how to master this trick. I've had fun customizing it with my own storyline too. Highly recommended!



I love the audience participation



The best magic shop on the planet ??



Great effect took me 2 days to learn this, now I just need to keep doing it until I do it with muscle memory.. Can’t wait to perform it !



Wow! This is a great effect! The tutorial is very clear. It is shot from Asi's point fo view which is very helpful, and there are moments laid out in slow motion for some of the more intricate parts. There is also a video of Asi giving commentary on his live performances which is a nice bonus to hear what he is doing and his insights as to why while he is doing to trick.

This is a brilliant effdct. Well worth the price!



I love Asi’s work and this one is an absolute fooler. It’s also so clever in it’s design to use the spectators phone as a keepsake of the magic moment. You want to make a lasting impression on your audience, this is the trick.



When I first explained this effect to a friend, they said they weren't interested in learning it because "tricks that use apps are over-rated." Their assumption was that the big reveal at the end requires an app and couldn't have been a legitimate photo taken. The beauty of "Double Exposure" is that you get a result that is so mind-blowing, and yet can be done even with a borrowed deck and phone. Between being completely impromptu and packing so much of a punch, this is easily one of best Triumph-style effects anyone can perform. having said that, though, I would highly advise that you know how to do a good pressure fan before purchasing.



One of the most useful Asi Wind effects ever put out



Asi is an absolute master. This trick is not exactly a beginner trick but it is somewhat of an easier intermediate. A great version of a triumph if you are trying to up that trick (Asi has a few other triumphs that are also great.) Plays big, was able to learn it in a few hours if you already can do a cull. Also, somewhat adaptable to different styles and handlings after you get used to it.



Great Magic Trick not Well teached. The explanation is way to fast an only with one camera.



So so great



Worth the money.
Not all tricks are, but this one is definitely.
Thank you Thank you Thank you
Michael Franzblau, MD



Great as with all of Asi Wind’s work



What an amazing trick, beginning to end. It is such a crowd pleaser and I’ve always had good luck when getting the best reactions with this illusion. A bunch of hidden gems in here as well , therefore allowing you to do other affects with what you can learn from this download. I always keep this amazing effect in my routine and have never had issues with it. You can learn this effect within minutes and go out and perform it within DAYS. Most definitely one of my top favorite self working and interactive tricks I perform to this date. 10 out of 10 . I will look into more from asi wind because anytime I do an affect created by him I get the best reactions . Thank you for putting this effect on the market, huge HUGE game changer right here



An amazing trick, but not an easy one. There are a few sleights you're going to need to know in order to do this trick. Faro shuffle, a full deck cull, pressure fan, and a full deck "in-jog".

Highly recommended for intermediate to advanced card magicians.



A must for a strolling close-up magician. One of the best tricks that you can do with a deck of cards and your two hands.
I wouldn't unmix the cards though, after the revelation of the phone, it's an anticlimactic moment after a true miracle. If you can do it the other way around, it's much better (easier version too!).



Nice an eaaassssyyy



Seriously killer trick that's beautifully flexible.





When I first saw the trailer for this effect I was absolutely mindblown. I've being doing magic for a couple years now and I've seen a lot of different versions of the triumph effect. This one is probably one of the best ones I've seen next to Dani DaOrtiz's Open triumph and Kostya Kimlat's triumph. This trick is really simple to do and fun to perform and not only that but it's also pretty modern considering the addition of a phone. This trick WILL blow spectators away and leave the with a memory in their photo album!





I love this trick period I use it when I want to leave a good impression or a souvenir with my spectator. you have to have audience management skills but it's easy if you are very direct and just say "get together so I can take a picture of everyone". This trick knocks it out of the park. Works even better if you can cull.



The effect this trick has on its viewers is immens! On top of it you leave them with a souvenir in form of a memory of this unbelievable magical moment. Honestly, without over exaggerating, I think Asi Winds Double Exposure is one of the best card tricks ever created.
The explaination could have been more detailed at a specific part of it, but thats maybe just my very individual perspective and in total the whole product was explained and filmed very well.
Molim El Barch



Asi Wind is a genius who creates effects that appear to be real magic. This is one of his best.





VI Monthly


I really love this trick! I really love Asi Wind and all the work that he does! It is incredible that you can do this with any deck of cards, any phone, Apple or Android, at honestly any time. After a few tries I got the slights down pretty well. I love this trick so much and is my go-to trick!





Amazing trick , i love it!



It's really handy to see full performances in one clean shot with no cutaways or significant angle work - a perfect starting point to learn an effect organically. The bonus is that this is the bit I can show my girlfriend without her catching any methods ;)



If you want to make a reputation and expand your repertoire, yes this is absolutely it. Asi is an amazing magician and this trick literally unbelievable. The video quality is ok and Asi learn it simply. As mentioned in warning, you have to know faro shuffle and pressure fan. He also mentioned roadrunner cull by Kostya Kimlat. One of my best purchase ever of my magic life.



This is probably my all time favourite card effect with a borrowed deck. Audiences are always stunned by this trick. I don't bother with the culling of the cards to restore the deck, it is good enough to end with the revelation of the photo. 10/10

VI Monthly


Looks I like a great affect can’t wait to get practising ??







Short, but doesn't really need to be any longer. It's easy enough to perform if you have some experience with handling a deck of cards and the effect is incredible.

I recommend it.









A nice effect that will amaze audiences. Can be a single effect or part of a routine. There are different revelations shown and some good tips for general handling as well. This also allows the spectator to have a keep sake they can show their friends

VI Monthly


This is the best effect I know that can be done with a borrowed, shuffled deck. It appears both as a download and in Asi's out-of-print book Repertoire. It is worth every penny you spend, every hour you spend perfecting it. With a little variation, it has become the cornerstone, the centerpiece of my card act. For me Asi Wind and Dani DaOrtiz are the yin and yang, the Felix and Oscar (if you will), of modern card magic.













I've always wanted to learn how this trick was done. Imagine my joy when I got it for the Black Friday bundle. I am not disappointed with the reveal.

It's so clever and still incredible. It's a little tricky to get the hang of, but once you do, the reactions and results speak for themselves. Still an amazing piece after all this time.



(Reviewed to get points — and stop the pop-ups) Love this trick. I keep forgetting elements of it and enjoy coming back here to review the hard parts I "forgot". I practised this nightly during the pandemic and it's still fun to do. Of course after you work on a trick for awhile, there is an obvious tell that something is "up", but no one seems to notice in the presentations.



Excellent version of triumph done in the hands at chest level. no table required. Some nice technique explained. Cell phone photo reveal is excellent modern presentation, but not exclusively necessary. Reveal can also be done other ways. Highly recommended. Asi Wind is fantastic teacher and video presentation/production is perfect.





This is such a great trick. With a little practice this can be the closer to your act, or anything you want it to be. Such a great trick!





With an ever-expanding amount of 5-star reviews, I will be more than happy to add to that list with my review, too! I learned Double Exposure back in 2016, but only started performing it frequently about a year or so ago. As with all of his work, Asi put a lot of thought and research into this effect to make sure it is nothing but stellar.

Pros: It's a 100% impromptu, streamlined card trick that's not an ACR! I've performed Double Exposure at private gigs and in public settings when I've been handed a deck and asked to do a trick.

Cons: Unless you have little-to-no sleight experience (see below*), the only con I'd say is that the buildup is somewhat slow (but totally worth the wait!).

*Please keep in mind that you have to be able to perform a pressure fan, a (near) perfect faro, and an optional, non-mandatory sleight that I won't mention for this effect. If you are new to magic, I'd recommend practicing said moves before purchasing this effect.


















I’m still new to the magic scene and was hesitant to purchase this effect because it looked difficult to perform but I took a leap of fate and decided to buy it.This trick is not hard but not easy took me about 4 days of isolation to master it. Was is worth the 15 dollars the answers is yes.I showed it to someone on the street the other day the reaction I got was priceless , I didn’t expect to get suck a big reaction I turned a heckler into a believer. He even wanted to hire me on the spot because of this trick best purchase yet. This trick can be done anywhere that’s the beauty of this trick .ASI wind is the best when developing tricks, I have to thank him if I ever meet him in real life, for getting myself my first real paying gig








This is a great effect. Modern, obviously because of a phone's camera being used... Also, you borrow the camera so they have a memento of the effect. That's huge for a working magician. Asi's stuff is not for the beginner, but after a good amount of practice, this will become automatic. It's really an amazing effect built on a very clever principle.







This is a great idea and the video instructions are quite helpful. If you want to jump right into this after learning the method you probably want to have at least some intermediate level card experience. If nothing else you need a solid pressure fan or else you'll likely end up having a pretty bad time. It's a little challenging for a beginner but practice, practice, practice.

The performances and alternate handlings were very good. Just note that in his performance David Blaine used a prediction element that's not part of the original trick. That element isn't taught at all. It's an interesting touch but the trick doesn't require it and, in my opinion, is actually better without it.









Being a magi, I was just fooled by this amazing trick today. My friend said it was a very special effect that was available here. I made sure I knew the creator and took the search from there. The video is great the effect is tremendous and after the required work is done, It will be a very important part of my show. Well done. Thank you to all that got this effect into my hands. Truly amazing and effective. Perfect!



Everything about this effect is amazing. The teaching is very clear and well thought out. I would recommend this to anyone. Hands down one of if not the best triumph out there.



unbelievable trick...showstopper to anybody i perform it for.

VI Monthly






Asi is a artistic genius and this trick shows the devious beauty of his creations. Not easy but within the realms of an intermediate magician. Practise and you will be rewarded with a modern miracle.











Amazing technique. The participant's takeaway souvenir for will have them scratching their head and retelling the story for years.



I really enjoyed this. I liked his explanation of what he was thinking as the trick progressed. The volume was barely audible even tho I had my speakers turned to max.





super! not very difficult just need to follow instruction and need little practice





A brilliant effect to leave a powerful lasting impression - not only in their phone, but in their minds. The classic Triumph effect has long been one of the most memorable effects for lay people, and there've been some very clever versions since Dai Vernon set the wheel rolling But make no mistake, Asi Wind has taken it to a totally new level so relevant to modern smartphone times. Asi Wind's explanation is concise and crystal clear. If only all downloads could have such clutter-free explanations. A warning to beginners: you'll need to master a few moves you may not be familiar with, but let this be your inspiration to do that. Well worth the effort!





I saw this on David Blaine’s Magic special and it did not disappoint. It is a truly incredible piece of magic. It uses the spectators phone which makes the effect even better because people might think this is fishy if you do it on yours but with this you can use any phone. It is quite easy if you can faro shuffle and it is a great piece of magic.





Double Exposure is so awesome part of my close-up magic, the best part is when I use their phone to do the magic. The look on their face is priceless. . .




Sang Soo

this is the best card trick out there!
go ahead and bye this amazing card trick





A regular deck of cards and a spectators phone to snap a picture of the seemingly impossible,LOVE IT!.
A very professional looking effect and a real power house worker.





NOT FOR THE BEGINNER. This trick is amazing but it is NOT a camera trick! REPEAT: NOT A CAMERA TRICK! This does NOT use technology for an easy to do mind blowing effect. Its a card trick that uses a camera for the reveal and it is a monster of a card trick! This is definitely NOT for the beginner. The sleights involved are going to frustrate you and make you throw your deck against the wall. However, if you can already do a faro shuffle and and are comfortable with a half deck side jog and a pressure fan this is just your cup of tea.





When I first saw this trick I thought it was a camera trick as it seemed impossible.

After purchasing this and putting the practice in this trick is amazing, the tutorial is perfect teaches everything you need to know to execute the trick perfectly.

I have performed this a number of times and each time leaving the spectator completely confused

VI Monthly


This is a really fantastic trick that uses the spectators's mobile phone, which means the spectator has a souvenir he carrys around the entire time (unless he deletes the photo).
The method is great – especially because the use of the smartphone will act as a red herring for most spectators and they will never figure out the technique. The only downside of this trick is that it requires you to a specific sleight very well in order to work.



I've been a magician for nearing 35 years and one thing I can say with certainty is that any effect that has a method that is as magical as the result itself is certainly a worker, and that's for me. This effect is bang up because of this. It's intensely clever, diabolical in simplicity, and powerful in what it delivers. Well worth the low cost of such a well though out and made modern in its application...A true work of art.



This is a must have! The impact of the effect is phenomenal, and it's totally worth the time necessary to master the sleights this effect requires. When you purchase this download you get two performance videos, Asi's very detailed explanation as well as his remarks on his own performance. Also, Asi explains how you can end the effect in 2 diferent ways. Totally worth the price!



I love this trick I just got it and can’t wait to start using it. I think the best part of this is that you can use a borrowed deck of cards.



That video is great! Blaine communicates very well.








Luis R.

Fantástico. Excelente presentación ????????


Lexie L

Very good very magical

VI Monthly


Great effect! Asi Wind is the best! It takes some practice, but that's true for every trick. This one is well worth the time that you will invest.



This is a brilliant effect that will remain with your spectator (who potentially goes away with an impossible photo on their phone as a momento.) On Youtube you can find a video of Asi performing Double Exposure. The impact on the spectator is considerable (be warned, in the performance video, a spectator is so stunned, he utters some unpleasant expletives!) Asi Wind is a creative genius and this effect is well worth the effort that will be required to master it. It is not simple or self working. It is definitely not a trick for a beginner. It will require practice so that you are confident and competent in handling the cards to achieve this very deceiving effect. If you want to do this exactly as Asi Wind teaches it and If you do not know how to do a perfect faro shuffle or pressure fan, I recommend that you watch one of the free cardistry tutorials on YouTube and master this before you buy the Double Exposure download. You might need to experiment with different decks of cards and maybe invest in a deck designed specifically for cardistry. Ask Wind appears to be using a deck with a thin, springy stock. (I think they are thin crushed stock Tally Ho blue circle backs.) Unless they are very well broken in, standard Bicycle Rider Backs (or similar) can be a bit too stiff to do a good, even pressure fan. But there are some really beautiful decks designed for cardistry that you will have fun choosing and showing off to your friends. I sometimes find that a new, interesting deck design motivates me to get back into some serious card magic practice. Maybe you could get a way with doing Double Exposure by carefully spreading the cards into a fan, but you need to keep some jogged out cards hidden in the fan that you then immediately place into a spectator's hands. Craig Petty seems to get a way with that method in his performance in his YouTube performance video Double Exposure in September 2020 (and he uses standard, blue back bikes) - so it can be done on a budget with what you have to hand. Those of you who know Craig's Magic TV will be interested to know that both Craig and his young son Ryland gave Double Exposure 100% in their review published on 15th July 2020. Craig also talks about how this can be performed virtually and in a way in which the spectator does not handle the cards (i.e. Covid friendly!) Highly recommended for a magician with moderate-to-middling card handling skills or someone willing to put in the practice to master the skills needed to perform this outstanding piece of magic.



Asi is way ahead of his time. This effect is incredible and will wow your spectators every single time. The fact that the spectator takes home an impossible photo that they will show to all their friends and help advertise you is great. A lot of time with magic, the artist focuses on the effect and nothing else. Asi creates a reputation maker that advertises yourself. He is a literal genius.



This is my favorite close-up routine. It leaves the spectator a gift and you don't lose any cards. Asi is a literal genius. This impresses everyone I show it to. I had to modify the sleights to make it easier for myself. If you are intermediate and want a lasting effect this is great. Your spectators also have a photo to post online and promote you.



Amazing trick that will never have the smartest person in the world clueless!



One of my favorite tricks ever! The effect is fantastic and it is rare to have a photo of the magic moment, with your spectators in. I perform this regularly in my close-up set, it’s so strong. You can perform it impromptu with an ordinary deck of cards, the reset only takes a few seconds, which you can easily do as your spectators are looking at the photo on their phone. Stunning effect and super practical!



VI Monthly




Fantastic effect, really well explained. And .... David Blaine liked it enough for his TV special, come on.





very good



A little difficult at first but I'm sure more practice will solve any problems.



This is one of my go to closers and probably the best download I've ever gotten from this site. Could not recommend more.



Got this 20 minutes ago , I am going to be 100% honest, if you are an intermediate to advance card magician you will be performing the whole sequence smoothly in 20 minutes at the most.
Asi instructions aren’t to the point which I love , not tedious at all. The performance on the video is what you are getting , he algo goes into a second phase if you want to finish the triumph doing the roadrunner Cull but of course that’s not explained since the move is form a DVD by Kostya.

What he teaches is exactly what you are in the demo and it’s such a smart process and the beauty of the pressure fan when you get it right is incredible.

Great purchase this is going straight into my repertoire. Well done Asi.

VI Monthly


Easily skyrocketed to be my favorite trick of all time. Completely impromptu, can be done with a borrowed shuffled deck. To spectators, it is incomprehensible.
There is one move to learn that may be new for you- but it’s not the type that takes hours of practice. It’s the type that you just need to fiddle with a bit until you figure out the right pressure and finger placement for you, then it becomes easy and second nature.
This is a great trick for less experienced performers who may get nervous performing: (1) there is zero heat on you while you are doing the necessary moves, and (2) you don’t need to control the card!

Another high quality download from Vanishing Inc. If I had known how much I would use this effect, I would easily have paid 100x the cost.



Best $12 I ever spent!



When it comes to card magic that amazes an audience, Asi Wind is a genius. Double Exposure gives the participant a photo of the miracle, something they will always have, and can show to their friends. Every card magician should have Double Exposure.



Well wow ?? what a trick double exposure opens the door to so many possibilities. This trick is well explained in sections and ways of doing it, it does require a pressure fan which helps with the effect how ever a normal thumb fan works ok too I would say this is a intermediate level type trick that will take a lot of practice to get it down correctly I give this 5 star rating asi wind you have done it again ?? ??????

VI Monthly


Easy, straightforward and strong, not much more you can ask for a trick. Well taught with many versions shown. It's a classic taken to a new level. And it leaves the spectators with a gift on their phones.



Wow. What a wicked trick. The principle involved is so clever and just neat how it works. The best part is that the spectator is left with a very unique souvenir – photographic evidence preserved on their phone! Everyone knows Asi Wind is a genius. Just buy it!



This has become my new favorite card trick. I would not put this as a beginner level trick, more intermediate. Performing this requires justifying your actions, including why you're taking a picture if you want everyone to go "no way!" when you tell them the cards have been fixed in the photo.

With that being said, I have not gotten a dull reaction to this yet!

This is triumph on steroids! if done right, they never see it coming. GET IT NOW!!



WOW. This effect id one of the most POWERFULL effects out their. This is the best $12 i have ever spent. This trick could easily be around $40 and it would ok. I have bought tricks worth hundreds but to be honest... This is better. I have to admit the moves can be really hard so its more for the intermediate or advance magicians. It took me a while to get it down but when I got it it was worth my time. Asi is BRILLIANT.



This effect is a masterpiece especially for the price!
The method is brilliant and isn't too difficult to learn either.
I also love that its all impromptu and doesn't require any gaffs...
just a regular standard or borrowed deck of cards!
Asi is the G.O.A.T Love all his work! its a MUST to have in your bag of tricks!



The learning process just took me about a day to get the hang of it. All in all, I think this hands down one of the best trick that gets great reaction from the spectators . Love it.



Best effect I have bought in years.



I have spent much of my money on Magic and, in many cases, what I got in return did not quite match my expectations. With Double Exposure I feel the opposite. It is well worth the price paid. Additionally because I am now forced to learn a few new techniques in order to do the effect justice.



Incredible piece of art



First, if you are a mentalist or a triumph fan this is a must get. The moves are well known card flourishes, so if you do card work, you'll pick it up easy. The instructions are clear and well recorded and thorough. However, Asi adds a bonus routine at the end for a triumph which involves another sleight used in card magic which he doesn't go over (however can be found quite easily on works by Kimlat and Harapan Ong). But this is not a setback as the advertised copy is accurate and it really looks like as advertised. This effect will require great scripting to really bring out the full genius thinking of Asi. In the end, I wish very few people can pick it up because I'm incorporating this into every aspect of my act. It's impromptu in every sense (just need to make sure to have roughly 52 cards), amazing, simple, and magical! Also, pick up a copy of Chapter One by Asi Wind as well then buy AACAAN from Art of Magic! Can't go wrong with either! Overall, get it, treasure it, practice it, then blow minds!



This is the best effect I currently perform. I have been intimidated by Asi Wind's effects since they are so mind blowing but decided to take the plunge on this one. Great buy! Great effect! I will be getting more from Asi Wind, that is for sure!!



Clever and elegant to execute, very impressive to watch.



This is just sickest and most extraordinary trick ever that you can do with any deck of cards. I would say it is almost like impromptu invisible deck :). Thank you Asi :).



Definitely worth $12.00! Fantastic explanation by Asi Wind, & I love how Art of Magic has many other available magic tricks that you can purchase. As a magician, I know how hard it is to find GREAT tricks.
Art of Magic has SO many available tricks that I can learn to show to friends.
Thank you Art of Magic!



This effect is an absolute killer, the method is truly brilliant and isn't too difficult either. It's clever and seems truly impossible. Best of all its impromptu! He teaches two variations, both of which are equally powerful. It requires a bit of spectator management, but anyone with any performing experience whatsoever can pull it off without a hitch.



Best trick in my repertoire



An amazing idea ! I do recommend it



Great trick! Difficult to do unless you can farrow shuffle and perform a decent pressure fan.



This is the first product I've bought here and I have to say that it is a wonderful card trick. The people's reactions are impressive and what I love is that they can go with a reminder of the trick. Great imagination, one of the greatest magic tricks I've seen in my life. Thank you Asi !



I performed this trick at a party the day i got it. This trick is absolutely amazing. It has to be one of the best triumph effects ever. If not, THE best. The sleight for this is quite knacky but since i dealt with this sleight before, it wasn't hard for me to pick up. Asi talks about an alternative way of doing the sleight, so don't worry. This trick is a must-have, and is the best impromtu effect you can do with ANY deck at ANY time. There's no setup what so ever! Why are you wasting time and even reading this review? Just buy it now! You'll sell your kidneys for it.



This trick is very very powerful because you are doing it with other people's phone. It is clean with instant reset. So if anyone ask to do it again, you can do it no problem. Asi does a wonderful job of explaining this trick, goes through every detail as well as different handling on this trick. He also goes over other little problems that you might encounter during this trick and helps you solve them.



A truly wondrous piece of magic. Simple, clean and completely impromptu. Sometimes I just can't help but try my best to suppress a sly grin when performing this. The way it is constructed and the mechanics behind this are not very difficult. I never fail to perform this for my spectators and the best part, they have a memory of you performing for them! This went straight into my go to effects and I usually use this as a closer. This is worth every single penny I paid for it and probably even more. It is truly not an exaggeration to describe this as the best thing I have spent my money on in magic. The effect seems like real magic and cannot be explained. Get this now!



This is INSANELY AWESOME and the best part - absolutely NO GIMMICKS, NO DUPLICATES and can be done using a borrowed deck too with absolutely NO SET-UP whatsoever!!!!!!



The best. Period.

I LOVE this trick. An unrealistic experience that brings any spectator to believing in your "magical powers."

I have performed this every where and received stunning responses. I was surprised at first because it was relatively easy to learn and not too hard to perform. The magnitude of the reactions that I got were extraordinary. Even though it requires a slight set up (Which you can do discreetly in front of the spectator), the trick is easy to perform. When I first learned it, I performed Double Exposure as the first trick of the show. Soon after I realized the caliber of the effect and made it my closing trick. Due to that minor change, ratings for the show went up. If you do not learn Double Exposure, you are missing a huge opportunity. If I can perform one trick for the rest of my life, it would be Double Exposure.



This is by far the best triumph variation I have ever seen and purchased. It's impromptu, extremely visual and also very fun to do!

The unexpexted final reveal, the fact that the spectators can keep a photo that they can show to their friends, and the very fair handling make this effect truly unique.

The explanation is clear, but you will have to rewind it a few times to fully understand the moves; once you have it down though, you have a wonderful new effect in your arsenal. Higly recommended



This is one of my go to effects. It is simple and easy to do with little practice. One of the best parts of this effect is the social aspect. I currently have an folder of almost a hundred Double Exposure photos and have many more between Instagram and Facebook. If you love triumph, this is easily the most deceptive and practical method. Actually ... don't buy this. The less people doing it the better for me.



This is definitely the best card trick last year, and one of the best I've got in my life. Some people may never use pressure fan before, and my advice is if you practice pressure fan for only one effect, this is the one you are gonna go with.

Definitely worth every minute to practice it.



I picked up this trick when it first was released here, and at first I was not impressed. I thought it was a knack sleight, and wouldn't pay off.

That being said, after about a day I realized how wrong I was. I quickly learned how to do the sleight, and ever since have been performing this every day. This works as a great replacement, OR addition to Kostya Kimlat's caligula triumph, which in my opinion, makes this the perfect opener or closer.



This trick is great. As long as I've known about the classic Triumph routine, I've always thought it to be one of the best and most impressive in all of card magic. That being said, I find that too often a magician will produce a triumph effect that is too knacky, too complicated, or just plain impractical.

What I love about this effect is it not only is practical, and simple enough to perform, but that it really feels lie real magic. Highly recommended.



Asi Wind has done a great job in constructing this beautiful, deceptive effect. It's pure, impromptu, propless and most of all, simple. It's not difficult in any way and as always, the quality of the product meets the expectations a Sultan would have when learning magic. Asi Wind in collaboration with Dan & Dave have delivered another 'from-the-top-shelf' piece of magic exceedingly well.

I recommend this to every card magician and to every other magicians out there these days. The method is simple, yet extremely effective and pure in every way. For this price, you could get other things for sure, but they wouldn't bring you as far as this piece will, when you learn it.



Beautiful piece of magic, very clean and impactful. Also it's mechanics are sublime.



Asi is one of the true great thinkers in magic, and this effect shows that. I have always loved triumph and have performed it for years, but this version elicits reactions unlike any other. Its a digital triumph, but I think that makes it more impossible in many different ways for many different reasons.

Highly Recommend.



I saw this on David Blane Real or Magic and it BLEW MY MIND! I told myself I had to find it and sure enough here it is. It is a great effect. I had some trouble at first, if you are, then remember to pause it every step.



This is great! It is quite simple, you need to know a few basic moves but nothing overly complicated. The reactions are far better than you would imagine!

One negative though, is that I think they should have had a tips section, as it's a 6 minute explanation and he just tells you what he is doing, and doesn't really explain how to do it.



I got this effect after seeing it on Blaine's special, and it didn't let me down. Although at first it can be hard to get to grips with, with practice and patience you can be performing this effect! You will have to have a bit of knowledge as to how to handle a pack of cards and it's definitely not a trick for beginners. If you want a strong effect that can you can be remembered by this is it!!




You guys, already know how awesome the Triumph is. According to me, if you are a fan of Triumph, you should definitely buy Double Exposure cause its an improve, an awesome one to your classic favorite. If you haven't seen David Blaine perform it, I'd suggest you to stop reading this and watch him perform the effect. This is because by doing so, I am sure you'll get convinced of its power and it will be one of the MOST powerful effects, you will ever have in your magic arsenal!



A brilliant combination of a classical effect with a modern technology to create a very unexpected effect to the audience. The picture is one of the best gift you can present to the audience. It's digital but at the same time, Magical.



I love how they use every day items, instead of something the spectator is not used to seeing. Everyday people use their phones and to incorporate it into a trick which is such a smart idea. Being able to use the spectators phone also makes the trick even more convincing and spectacular. The spectators really thing that magic happened because there was no possible way you could have done it on their own phone. In other words, this is such an amazing trick!



This is a very good effect. Some people are saying that it is not well explained because he doesn't stop midway through his explanation to tell you how to do a certain fan or shuffle (they are pretty basic so he expects you know them). He does say the names of them and how to apply them to the trick (so I don't know why people are complaining). So if you do not know some the basic techniques used in card magic this trick will be a challenge. If you do, it/s a great trick that you will be able to pick up quickly.



This is a wonderful piece of magic that includes a piece of modern day society (cell phones) but at the same time, remains classy and elegant. It doesn't rely on some stupid app and in fact, only relies on sleight of hand and one picture taken from a borrowed phone! warning: one sleight (that is optional) is barely taught in the routine, and the other main one will take quite a bit of practice. This is for those well versed in sleight of hand. Learn the pressure fan before you do this as well!



It's a fantastic effect which is going to hit the spectator hard. It is not at all difficult to do and once you understand the mechanics it will be really easy. I have to say that this is the best effect that Dan and Dave have released recently.



This is one of the most commercial Triumph effects to date. The method is taught exceptionally well and has great tips as well with the interview and performance. The best thing I think about the trick is that, this is a great memory for the spectator and they get to take it home and every where they go. Its a great piece to be remembered for future generations.



Excellent impromptu effect ... Explanations are clear and of high quality, congratulations for this wonderful achievement. However, be careful if you are left-handed, as the grip of this effect will require some modifications. A vertical triumph effect with a souvenir for your spectator ... it's Christmas before Christmas!



When I first saw this effect on David Blaine's Real or Magic, I knew I had to learn this one. I wanted to see Jaden Smith's reaction on my peers'. With enough luck, I stumbled upon Double Exposure on D&D. After watching the video, I bought the effect immediately -- interestingly my first online purchase ever.

Interestingly, it's not that hard, and the techniques used were of intermediate level. But what was outstanding is the effect -- beautiful, and clean, especially when the triumph is clearly captured in an audience's phone. With the added two-phase triumph, the effect leaves a permanent mark on the audience.

Angles for me wasn't that hard, especially since the people whom I was showing the trick to were eager to rummage in front of the lens. People in my back would see the fan triumph at the back, but still, my performance was commended when I did the open triumph. No one jumped in surprise, but the hanging jaws were really fun to watch.

For a first-time buyer here, I am glad to have purchased this one. A must-buy!



This is genuinely genius magic. With a bit of practice, this will be a guaranteed reputation maker. I love how Asi incorporates a phone's camera into the magic; it creates something the spectator can share with friends.



This is the best trick I have seen in the past few years. I remember just watching the great David Blaine special the other week, and this was the standout trick for me. I was so clueless on how it was done, and it only wanted to perform it ever since. Asi teaches the trick properly with no confusion. The method is just as good as the trick. The addition of having a multiphase effect with first correcting the disorder of the real deck if cards provides a nice segue for the kicker with the phone. The roadrunner cull by Kostya is briefly described, but I highly recommend for anyone who doesn't have his volume 1 Collection to pick it up. It has served me extremely we'll over the past 5 years having learnt it and bought at his lecture in 2008. Overall, transforming a classic trick into a fresh organic piece of magic with something that almost everybody possesses, that being a cellphone, truly makes this astounding.


Vladut Vicentiu

The first time I saw it, this one blowed my mind. I've never thought I could ever do this trick. The performance made me think it was quite difficult but after some days of practicing I made it. Now it's in my top 3 card tricks.
This trick really worths that money and I'm very happy that I bought it.



I would like to start by saying this trick is wonderful to perform. The tutorial is very detailed. One of the moves in this trick takes a while to perfect, but once you do it is very pleasing. I recommend this trick to anyone who is even somewhat interested in it.



This trick is always a favorite of mine. The magic always leaves the spectator amazed and confused. The trick is the most impactful when performed in front of spectators that are light hearted and open-minded



Me encantaaa, truco impresionaante, el mejor de mi repertorio, creaa reacciones impresionante, realmente nadie te pillara, es sencillo, lo que se me dificulta hacer el abanico. Totalmente merecido su precio, Asi Wind de los mejores magos.



The routine itself is good when you see the final outcome, and although i no how to do the farro, the pressure fan, and out jog cards, But the demos the volume is up, down, or slightly distorted, the actually tutorial is terrible, he needs lessons how to teach, he seems to like the sound of his own voice, rather than producing something enjoyable to watch, and could make it a lot easier to follow, As the tutorial is not at all easy to follow as to what he is demonstrating. But once this full routine is mastered, it is so Awesome. If your quite new to card magic, then check out Joshu Jay, Trumped Triumph Routine, Reason being, one of the important moves used in Double Exposure is also used in Trumped Triumph, but is so much easier of a routine to learn and to perform

VI Monthly


Alert for those who are left-handed: this is a good trick, but there are features that make it a bit trickier if you're left-handed (as I am). Unfortunately, the explanation is a little difficult to follow, and moreso when you have to adjust for left-handedness. It's a little more finnicky with respect to hand-dominance than most tricks, and it takes some trial-and-error work to figure out the necessary modifications. The resulting handling looks a decent amount less natural looking than if you were right-handed. Nothing that cannot be overcome (particularly to a layperson), but just be prepared to battle some of your instincts.....



I truly love this! It's soo fun to do and get's such great reactions from the spectators!!! Well done Asi!!! It's so clean and your audience suspects nothing! Very easy to perform once you get used to it!!!



Great trick, for close-up or on stage. It's hard to do for me, but I'm learning it and will start performing it soon. Great purchase, and it's something like a renovated Triumph. I’ll surely perform it as soon as I learn it.



This is a great trick and I think you will enjoy performing it BUT the instructions are not very thorough. There is going to be a lot of rewinding to make sure you’re manipulating the cards in the correct orientation the way Asi is. He doesn’t stop to explain this should be face up or down, this part from here should now be there. When he does stop to recap I felt it wasn’t at a necessary spot to recap. He just does it and you’re left to think about why you keep not getting the same results and then going back and watching it again to see what you missed.
You’re also going to need to know three other card manipulations that he does not teach. Two of them are standard but will require practice if you don’t know them and one of them could be learned with a $45 download if you want the best results with the effect.
I think if you’re going to put out a trick where the product is the teaching of the secret then you have a responsibility to teach EVERYTHING required to do the trick. That’s why I didn’t go four stars with this review. I also think magicians should record a rough demo and see if a beginning magician can do the effect just by watching the video. Experienced magicians can always fast forward through things they know, a beginner has few options if the information they need isn’t included. Great, great effect with teaching that pales in comparison.



One star off simply because I haven't performed it and I don't want to give the perfect score in case it takes me ages to get it right. In theory, though, it is five stars in terms of method. Very simple, but knock out if done perfectly.



he teaches you to do a pressure fan which i dont see a point for , other than that dont use a deck thats super sticky and its an amazing effect



Great trick, performances, and explanation. One thing I thought maybe wasn't clear was the pressure fan part. Obviously to perform the trick perfectly you need to practice but in the explanation maybe more elaboration on why that part works. If that makes sense.



“Impossible." “WTH?" Excellent reactions I have received by doing Double Exposure.
It took two days of practice to get it to the primary shaky working level with which I first presented it. Mr Wind is a clear teacher, although he assumes you will know some moves and does not explain them (pressure fan, faro shuffle). This information can be found elsewhere.
The instruction is clear - I especially liked the recap and the pausing of the video with highlights of specific cards - excellent and understandable. Camera angles were very good and I was able to pick up everything needed. Sometimes it went a bit fast and I missed things but by watching it multiple times it worked out (e.g. flip the deck).
The audio engineering was sub par and a bit disappointing. On the third video I had to turn the volume to maximum and was still unable to catch some of the points. Hopefully AoM will fix this.
I am very happy to have bought this and would give it 5 stars except for the poor sound quality.



This is great thanks.



I love this effect! I preform it everywhere and appreciate the mechanics put into this. It brings so many people into the state of wonder and unbelief. The trick itself is well thought out and almost self working. The sleights are pretty knacky though but over time it gets easier. I would recommend this to all magicians with experience.



This is one of those tricks where the method is rather cooler than the actual effect. Don't get me wrong though, this trick hits spectators hard. I originally saw David Blaine perform this effect on his recent television special and was floored. Definitely an intermediate to advanced trick; one should be capable of performing a decent pressure fan as well as multiple Faro shuffles. I'd say go for it!



Every moment of this routine is fantastic! I have gone out and performed it today and it got some crazy reactions. It takes a bit of practice but if you do a lot of card work then it's not too difficult to pick up.

Definitely worthwhile buying as it is a solid routine you can easily build on or use techniques from.



Well ... I just made a big mistake.

Firstly - absolutely terrible tutorial. Nothing but a reverse close-up of the guy's hands and he just glosses over how it's done. Nothing in-depth at all.

I'm sorry to say that the mistake is on me though. I'm a freak because I'm right handed but I hold the cards in my right hand and control them with my left. This means that when I fan the cards, I fan them right to left, meaning that the numbers on the cards can't be seen. I could use cards with numbers in all four corners, but it's inconvenient to do that for just 1 trick.

Hope I can still find a way to do it, otherwise I've just wasted £17.40 :(



Don't get me wrong, the effect itself is great. Unfortunately, the video explanation is quite frustrating and doesn't clearly demonstrate some of the most important aspects. Other reviews have mentioned how it doesn't teach the required cardistry (Faro, pressure fan) which is fine, but the main problem I found was muddy explanations of other important steps which required a lot of going back and rewatching to even understand what I was supposed to be doing at certain points. He sometimes stops to "recap" stuff that doesn't really need recapping whilst blowing past some key steps.

I'd suggest it only for experienced card magicians who can fill in the blanks and improvise where needed. And you can't half-ass the fans; you need to be good at them or else it will look bad and/or not work properly, so if you're more of a sleighter than a flourisher, bear that in mind.



Great effect. The method is devious. However, there’s only about 10 min of actual explanation here. It’s clear and concise, but it makes it harder for me to recommend this effect outright. I wish there was a bit more tutorial covering the method in which you actually restore the deck for real, but it basically defers to referencing another magician’s method. I understand why he wouldn’t fully go into it when this other person is still selling their method as well, but it makes the product feel incomplete.



I'm going to label this "pretty good" only because the problem might be ME. I just can't get this to work, no matter how I try. It feels like I'm missing something that should have been better explained.




Community questions about Double Exposure

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Bill asks: do you need a special deck ?

    • 1. Tanner answers: “There are no gimmicks or special applications needed. 100% impromptu. Just you, a deck of cards, and a borrowed camera are all that's necessary.”
    Post an answer to this question
  • Ruiming asks: What will you rate the difficulty of this trick? Easy/Intermediate/Hard? Thank you!

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: It's intermediate in my opinion
    • 2. Garry answers: Difficult if your new to card tricks, as the deck is out joged then do a pressure fan, not easy to do. Explanations needs improvement, mixed up as to what his doing,
    • 3. Raphael answers: This is definitely not an easy trick and will require alot of practice. All of Asi's work is definitely not for beginners.
    • 4. Keith answers: Well actually if you use a C2C deck it’s very easy.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Nosson asks: does it have to be a smart phone or any camera can work

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Any camera can work, as long as it can photo the photo after it is taken.
  • Richard asks: Does the pack of cards also flip over or just the photo

    • 1. David Matkin answers: Just the photo - the guy with glasses thought it had failed as there was more than one card face up in the spread of cards on the table.
    • 2. Garry answers: The guy with the glasses, it was meant to be a face up and face down spread, as this is part of the fooler, as the magician then said look at the photo, not the spread.
    • 3. Garry answers: You create a face up face down stack, do the spread as the fooler, then do the presure fan, this then creates the reveall in the photo.
    • 4. Garry answers: To pull this trick off, You need to no 3 important MOVES, WHICH HE DOES NOT TEACH YOU THESE, Which Are: No1. The Under Pass No2. The farro shuffle. No3. The Pressure Fan.
    • 5. Garry answers: To pull this trick off, You need to no 3 important MOVES, WHICH HE DOES NOT TEACH YOU THESE, Which Are: No1. The Under Pass No2. The farro shuffle. No3. The Pressure Fan.
    • 6. Garry answers: To pull this trick off, You need to no 3 important MOVES, WHICH HE DOES NOT TEACH YOU THESE, Which Are: No1. The Under Pass No2. The farro shuffle. No3. The Pressure Fan.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Lewis asks: Do you need to know how to perform a farro shuffle in order to perform this?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Ideally yes, but it doesn't need to be exact. It's a great effect for if you are learning the faro
  • Edward asks: do I really need to fan out the cards? can I just spread out the cards to take the photo

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You need to fan them.
    • 2. Rene answers: It’s better if you pressure fan them
  • Nick asks: Could this trick be well executed online? Screen shot?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: They need to hold the fan of cards, so it's not really one for online.
  • Vishy asks: Does this video provide step-by-step instructions on how to do the trick?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes
  • Kendra asks: What type of cards is Asi Wind using in those performances.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds:
  • Paul asks: Is this iPhone specific?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Not at all.
  • Lucas asks: How long is the tutorial?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The main explanation is 6 minutes however there are other supports videos included also
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