Ernesto Melero - Download Bundle - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Ernesto Melero - Download Bundle

Magic download (video) by Ernesto Melero
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Vanishing Inc. exclusive
4.9 | 81 reviews

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Ernesto Melero - Download Bundle

49.95 usd

Magic download (video) by Ernesto Melero (49.95)

Ernesto Melero is an underground legend with astounding chops and a wildly creative approach to magic. Haven’t heard of him? That’s because he hasn’t published any magic for more than a decade. But now we’re proud to present this download bundle, which showcases some of his best routines and sleights. In particular, his “Impromptu Invisible Deck” is diabolically bold and easy to master, and “Card in Glass” is perhaps the purest card to impossible location we’ve seen.

Here is what’s included in the download:

Impromptu Invisible Deck - This groundbreaking new handling of the Invisible Deck allows you to perform the age-old effect… without any gimmicks whatsoever. A spectator names a card, and that card is shown to be the only face-down card in a face-up deck. Everything is immediately examinable after the effect and it can be immediately repeated.

Card in Glass - From the beginning, a lone card stands upright in a wine glass. A card is chosen, signed and lost into the pack, yet when the magician reveals the card in the glass, it is the SIGNED SELECTION. This switch looks like it would only be possible with camera tricks, or a gaffed card, but this really is accomplished with just a normal deck and sleight of hand. With practice, you’ll be able to master this practical parlor routine.

Two Card Transposition - Two cards repeatedly switch places between your pocket and the top of the deck. Sleight-of-hand aficionados rejoice: there are plenty of original moves and sequences you’ll enjoy.

Riffle Control - In the action of a riffle shuffle, you are able to control one or multiple cards.

Deck Switch - The magic world needs more and better stand-up deck switches. Too many require gaffs or to be seated behind a table. This switch is bold, easy to execute, and ready to be implemented in your parlor performance.

Running time: 35 minutes 27 seconds


Customer reviews for Ernesto Melero - Download Bundle

VI Monthly


Love it. Great card magic



WOW! Very visual, rarely seen such clear images. I recommend. Thanks



Great impromptu version--I would def use a mom deck--cards in order looks suspect






Such subtle moves... a lot of work ahead but will be well wroth it!



Very clever use of the move. As is the new deck order makes it an opener. As long as a peek is required, I’ve tried it with a shuffled deck with no problem. Regardless it is a great effect!


Laura Bautista

Ernesto Melero is perfect for learning little by little. His videos sectioned by slowed down step-by-step instructions make it easier to understand and imitate the techniques, sleights or movements that must be produced to execute the routines. This bundle is a true wonder for lovers of this magician and the great feats he performs.



This is an extremely impressive routine in which a card signed by the spectator seems to have been transposed with a card visible from the beginning and placed on the table in a stemmed glass. The trick requires technical skills far beyond my own and I think I'll be unable to do it for a long time. But that's my problem and it's a very good trick. What's more, the video explanation is of incredible quality. I've never seen such a well-made video that is long, precise and detailed, with written indications added to the images, slow-motion sequences and circled areas to draw attention to important points. It's really very, very well done. It's a shame that not all the videos are as educational and of such high quality. I recommend it, mainly for this reason.



Just great tricks that don't require an over the top expert skills, but still must be practiced to get it right. Very clean and straight forward. I'd definitely recommend.



This seems an excellent solution to the card in glass problem. I imagine close up it might be a little angley, but from even a small distance away, the cover is impeccable. It’s also not too difficult to do. Well done!


Greg Wei-You



I love this! Really a perfect direct effect that’s so easy and clean to perform. Instant reset. Better than the gaffed version of the Invisible Deck, in my opinion. No need to carry an Invisible Deck. Use any borrowed deck. I couldn’tK for anything more from an effect!









WOW! Finally an impromptu invisible deck that doesn't involve a selected card reversing itself. There is one move I can see being daunting in performance but the effect is clean and pure. I look forward to giving this a try!

VI Monthly


Impromptu Invisible Deck is the main reason I grabbed this download & I'm SO glad I did!

This download is FULL of amazing concepts from Ernesto Melero. Thanks for Vanishing Inc for making this available.



The invisible deck is the best I've seen. So easy to do for someone half way serious about trickery. The card switch for the drink is great and does require some practice but it's a great one.



Simple but effective. I will definitely use this.






Looking for a two-card transposition other than John Scarne’s and remembered I had Ernesto’s download in my purchases from VI. I must have discarded it upon initial viewing (shame on me).

In reviewing it and spending a little time with the moves, I discovered it is quite doable…like learning a new dance step. Go slow, be tenacious and prepare to amaze.

Thanks, Ernesto.



Wow - so nice????!



I love this routine... grace, magic, technique. It's everything.



A novel and extremely powerful adaptation of the side steal. Quick and brilliant.





Amazing, in depth, easy to follow explanations for a trick that can be done anywhere with a regular deck of cards.



Well instructed. Thanks





All the tricks you get here are easy to do powerful and simple The price you pay this is definitely worth the tricks. The deck switch can be obvious to magicians but no spectator will ever spot you do it





What an interesting idea and unique execution. Though not appropriate for all situations or conditions, this seems to be made for a parlor or at a distance setting. A close-in stage setting would also be ideal. It has a such an open, visual feel which is what makes it feel magical. It doesn't look rushed. Does require sleight of hand with a touch of nackiness, it appears to be solid. I've tried it a few times and even his basic description of one sleight used has helped clean up my version of this basic sleight in only a few minutes time. Would say this is more solid than many overly "nacky" moves though.



Great impromptu version.



Darn it, this trick right here is a juicy one. Very clearly explained and demonstrated from the viewer. Automatically you could envision the impact on a potential participant or onlooker. The trick is that simple and yet that cool. Truly feeling this and can’t wait to try it out on someone.





VI Monthly


absolutely beautiful handling! very obtainable to any dedicated cardworker







Interesting, a little angle sensitive, but should be useful in many situations! I would have liked to know in what situations Ernesto uses the deck switch, but that may be explained in other videos in this bundle.



Very pleased with the speed of delivery and the quality of the videos....THANKS! Go team Magic at Vanishing Inc.!



This is another brilliant download from Vi the reason I bought this is because I wanted to have a look at is impromptu invisible deck routine and boy what a routine this is something I will be using on a regular basis, and you will too, and it is very easy to do as well as the other effects taught are all top notch so do you self a favor and buy it you won't be disappointed highly recommended.



Very easy and detailed instructions. Fortunately this was a video series that I used my points on and I don’t regret it. You’ll learn some awesome sleights and routines that will get great reactions. Definitely using some of these moves!



Very Nice version of "Invisible Deck", with a real deck!!!



This was perfect







Ernesto Melero is a pure tradesman. His moves are practical as well as magical. I don't know whether his reasoning and timing is intentional or instinctual, but it is everything the iconic masters talk about incorporating to make magic powerful. Please do not miss out on this treasure!





I managed to get this with my VI points and I haven't been disappointed. There is some fantastic magic here and the switch is pretty neat although I am not sure I would use it depending on angles - but still fun to learn. Some other great tricks on here as well. Is it worth £47? Well like any magic, if you use all the stuff or even one or two of the tricks then yes it is worth it, but for me it wouldn't be. That said, I like learning some technical magic, so I am enjoying it so far :-)





You get 4 or 5 effects with this download and they are all really strong. I really like the card to glass effect. But it is not for beginners. There are a few moves that are more technical. But it's worth it to learn the moves just so you can perform the effects taught.



Fantastic I really love this wonderful sleight of hand technique. Just a amazing card work this will defiantly give me the opportunity to practice this more to create a new card trick or another method for one of my own ideas . I have more confidence in my self from using this download video. Thank you so much this has really helped me to become a better magician . Great stuff just enjoying the arts






Super move and concept. Will fool any one. I wad convinced by this trick to buy the whole bundle.100,% worth the buying!



Ernesto is magic. This transposition is beautifully done and explained. No subtitles are needed in his videos. He speaks perfectly. I love how direct his approach is, and how clean the handling is. We would all love to be this good!



An incredible download bundle that offers a lot of great ideas and techniques to use in a variety of performance situations. The deck switch is very clever and I've been trying to find a way to incorporate it into my shows. The impromptu invisible deck is AMAZING, and I've tried to perform it whenever I can. I tried it out recently with my magic mentor (and grandfather in law), and even when I was *certain* he saw the quick move required to set up, it completely fooled him. His teaching style is just the right speed where I could follow along and it didn't feel like he was dragging, and the instructions have multiple camera angles to show all of the nuances.



Wow! This is really amazing! So clever yet so simple. Apart from one simple, and well covered, move this is about the same difficulty level as of one of the first tricks I ever learned. I've always loved the invisible deck (I mean who doesn't...) but almost never do it since I only carry one deck with me and want to be able to do other effects as well. This is the solution for me. Thank you Ernesto!

VI Monthly


This package has something for every magician, from beginner to professional. The impromptu invisible deck is rather easy to achieve while other tricks as "Card in Class" or the Card Transpo need quite some practice to get it down smoothly. The teaching is superior: You will get views from different angles, moves are shown in slow motion to make them even clearer plus there are some amazing tipps on practicing these moves. Overall it's definitely worth the price.



Melero has to be one of the absolute finest sleight of hand artists around.

This training is excellent not just because it is sublime handling, but because it is actually relatively straightforward sleights that anyone can do with a little practice. (By definition, threw are no sleights that require ZERO time or practice, otherwise they wouldn't be a sleight...)

Melero is a gifted teacher, the production value of the lessons is high, and each lesson itself is a revelation that can keep you mystifying audiences for years to come.

Well worth investing your time and money in this.



Good clean video production. Comes with five seperate downloads, all good tutorials covering different camera angles, a good teacher. and he repeats each one throughout, very easy to to follow, and enjoyable to watch and to learn, just check your angles were needed, i allways find its good to practice these kind of moves in front of a magicians three way mirror.



3 words for this are: Great simple sleights!
You can practice this for a short time and do miracles.



It is a rare treat when someone comes along with a fresh approach to performing and sees ways to do it differently. Ernesto Melero is such a rare treat - and having had the good fortune to meet him, he is a kind gentlemen too. Buy the bundle, you won’t regret it - and you will be supporting a great guy too. Ps Ernesto’s approach to linking rings is bold and amazing. I sincerely hope Ernesto will share it soon... through VI, of course!



I saw Ernesto perform these effects live, he and his magic are simply amazing! Ernesto's magic is real world, time tested, and powerful...what more can you ask for! I can't wait to incorporate some of these effects into my performances.

VI Monthly


I have liked Ernesto first download so this one was a no brainer. Material is top notch even though some of them will need serious practice but they are not undoable. I really, really like this download and hope that there will be others in the near future.

VI Monthly


Sleight of hand at its finest -- incredibly smooth and beautiful. Which is not to say necessarily hard. Impromptu invisible deck is very clever and practical -- and uses a move you likely know already. You can learn it in minutes. Card in glass is my favorite of the bundle -- this alone is worth the price of the set. It will require some practice but once you learn the fluidity it becomes natural and you will have an impromptu miracle you can use in any situation for the rest of your life. I love the deck switch. Quite bold, but done when the heat is off (e.g., putting the cards away in box before thinking to do one more trick...). Beautiful magic, beautifully produced, from a wonderful gentleman.



I had the pleasure of seeing Ernesto at the Retreat in Costa Rica, where he was a surprise guest. Much of the material in this download bundle was show at the Retreat, and it fooled even the most experienced attendees.

Card in Glass - This was one of the first things I saw Ernesto do in person. The angles are great, especially in parlor situations. I've worked on Undertow on and off for years and never performed it for an audience. This handling is easier, cleaner, and more deceptive.

Riffle Shuffle Control - This multiple shift is going right in my repertoire. It's a multiple shift that happens from a riffle shuffle and requires no table. And unlike most riffle shuffle multiple shifts, the cards can be widely separated throughout the deck.

Impromptu Invisible Deck - Practical, easy, deceptive, simple, and good. What more could you want?

Two Card Transposition - Ernesto teaches an original utility sleight in this routine that looks fantastic and can be applied in many different contexts. The trick is simple in construction and highly effective.

Deck Switch - I saw him do this in Costa Rica as well. It's a practical deck switch that I will use.

It's clear that this is magic that has been tested in front of audiences, and it's rare to find material of this quality that will both entertain lay audiences and impress magicians.



I was lucky enough to see Ernesto perform all of these moves/routines in person and I am so excited for these downloads to be out! The thinking is extremely clever and the moves are always well motivated. Do not miss out on these downloads because Ernesto is a real superstar in card magic... this is proof!



I’m so glad that the Vanishing Inc team has been able to showcase some of Ernesto’s magic. It is beyond extraordinary and there’s a depth of material that’s astounding and original! Can’t wait to see more. Highest recommendations for anyone interested in pure sleight of hand impossibilities.



Everything in here is absolute gold, and you'd be remiss if you didn't get this download bundle. Ernesto's Invisible Deck routine alone is worth the entire price.

I can't wait for Ernesto to get the recognition he deserves...



Josh and Andi do it again. GOOD DOWNLOAD! RECOMMENDED.



Feeling pretty lucky to have got an early look at these... Here is my review:

Invisible Deck - ***** Really clever, practical and fooling. I'm going to do this, for sure.

Card in Glass - ***** Fooled me badly. I hope I can learn it. It's a bit tricky but I'm starting to get the hang of it.

Two Card transpo - **** I don't really do this effect but it's inspired me to work on a routine using it.

Deck Switch - **** When I saw the performance, I was unsure but it's actually really clever. I can see it working really well in walk-around situations.

Riffle Control - **** Not something I'll use but SO FUN to practice.

All in all, probably the best download bundle I've ever bought.



Well when I saw that card switch... how could I not buy this?! It going to take me some time to learn. I just finished watching the explanation (I'll get to the other tricks soon). I had not heard of Melero. Great magician. Excited to get practicing.



Good info and an idea that is simple and really cool for invisible deck no gimmick. Not easy stuff for a beginner , however for someone looking to go their skill level it will help learn thinking and actual learning. Good stuff for anyone serious about the art of magic.



The idea of being able to preform an invisible Deck routine without gimmicks is incredible, The method is extremely easy to preform, and well hidden, Angels are also great for this effect. I have seen a few different Variations on a gimmick less invisible deck over the years and this is by far the simplest and would recommend it to beginner magicians and intermediate magicians.



Interesting tutorial. Very specific in showing the sleights in a step-by-step manner. The teaching is done by captions and is silent. This makes the teaching a little disconcerting. Hence, the deduction of one star. Having said that, the routine/sleights are pretty wonderful.



The moves are simple enough for most to achieve with just a little practice. The method does require either to do the effect as an opener or switch in the deck as it does require some prior setup. With a little work it could be accomplish with what appears to be a new deck that is freshly opened. I could see myself performing this when I crack open a new deck or it would be good for those with mem deck experience.



Very clever. So simple yet effective but good misdirection will be necessary. The box pretty much provides that. A large hand will be a real asset.
I have small hands but I do like it and will use it.





the invisible deck move is not that hard once you figure it out Its getting the hand rotation correct. The deck needs to be in some sort of order so you can locate a selected card. the only advantage over the invisible deck is the cards can be examined and its cheaper. The deck switch is good but you need a reason to go to your pockets to ditch the deck. The card in the glass can be picked up quickly with good palming skills . The Riffle Shuffle can be done with a little a little practice. It can really fool people the transposition is a killer!





Great handling and instruction, but the move can only be performed at angles less than 180 degrees.


Community questions about Ernesto Melero - Download Bundle

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Ron asks: Each effect looks incredible......But how difficult are they? My hands do not work like they once used to. Some slights can be very difficult for me, even the ones that used to be easy.

    • 1. Yves answers: This is always a very difficult question to answer as it depends on many factors but I will try my best. Card in the glass is the most difficult and is a 5 on the scale 1 to 5 Riffle control is a 4 at least Two card transpo is a 3.5 in my opinion Deck switch is a 3 Invisible deck is a 2. It’s the easiest in my opinion as it can be done with a new deck order though it will be much better with a memorized deck. Hope it helps a little!
    • 2. Jim answers: Yves is 100% correct. GREAT GREAT GREAT material. Ridiculously under priced!
    • 3. Federico answers: The moves are not of them you have to be careful with the angles but each item on this bundle is AMAZING. I can’t believe it is so cheap.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Günter asks: Hi, please can you tell me the difficultlevel in a range between 1-5 (1 easy. 5 heavy) thanks

    • 1. Karl answers: They vary, some you’ll get fairly quickly whereas one or two are a bit tricky therefore require much more practise. Whole thing is a 3
    Post an answer to this question
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