Five the Easy Way - Mark Elsdon - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Five the Easy Way

Magic download (video) by Mark Elsdon
Vanishing Inc. exclusive

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Five the Easy Way

12.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Mark Elsdon (12.00)

This is our favorite kind of download—one packed with FIVE effects that would stand alone on every other site but ours. "Five the Easy Way" demonstrates and fully explains FIVE different ways to locate a four-of-a-kind. 

We are ALWAYS in need of four-Ace locations, and this download gives you five different methods, taught in almost 30 minutes of detailed instruction. Not a single revelation is difficult, and Mark is recognized as one of the clearest, most methodical teachers in the industry. Learn to cut to the Aces, find them in a flash, and deal to the Aces, all in one download. Sold separately it could total five times the asking price, but we are happy to offer this entire five-trick download together for one low price.

Running time: 27 minutes


Customer reviews for Five the Easy Way



Top rating 5 stars without any doubt!
These interactive 5 card miracles are very
entertaining, flexibel and fooling, not only our spectators but also other magicians.
If you find an individual story for them
they can become a strong feature in your show.
I like the "reduced" way Mark Elsdon presents them
with "co-star" John Archer.
All 5 are easy to do with an ordinary deck of cards.
Just buy them - you will always have strong magic at your disposition.





All five are absolutely fantastic effects that are easy to do and worth so much more than the asking price. Mark does an excellent job explaining each effect and all can be done using a regular deck! Thank you Vanishing Inc. and Mark Elsdon for making this download available!



This is a great download for a beginner card magician. I use the ace cutting effect in groups with four spectators each taking a card and me taking four. It’s my favorite effect since it is super easy and is something almost everyone is familiar with, cutting for high card. Once the aces are out I like to go into a simple assembly but you can do whatever you want.

The other effects are all good and I have performed each of them at least once and had good luck with them. The Queen production surprised me with how strong it was for laymen. All in all, a highly recommended download, especially for someone like me, who knows mostly self-working tricks and is looking to branch out.



As the download’s title says, there are five easy-to-do effects. If you see this from spectator’s point of view, all of the magic included in Five the Easy Way are impossible things (really), not weird moves, no dealing the whole deck, no boring semi-automatic tricks, great magic only. You will be happy with this download, believe me.



I really like that Mark Elsdon teaches every aspect of the tricks in detail. If he did a false cut, he teaches it. No "by your favorite method" here.

And he even goes into some detail on ways to play up my favorite trick from the download. The mind reader effect where he reveals the king of clubs. It stands out because it is more than just a four of a kind production.

Because these are strong tricks and they are nearly self working I give this download five out of five stars.



What a great bunch of card magic on this download, and it's all pretty easy to do. First off Mark is a thorough teacher. You get full detail of the handling of these 5 effects. Each routine utilizes it's secrets to give maximum impact for very little work.

I really like the Pat Page cutting to poker hands effect. It is diabolical in its utilization of the simple "gimmick" which really isn't a gimmick at all. I just don't want to tip it before you see it.

The other effects are all good, but they are all four of a kind productions or revelations. It's up to you to choose which best fits your style. I also think it would be a good idea to use the four of a kind for something else, once they are produced or revealed. Maybe like twisting the aces or anything which rely on starting with 4 of a kind.

With five really strong, easy to do routines, you can't go wrong. What a killer deal on the price! Nice product guys!


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