Fuzion - Blake Vogt - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop


Magic download (video) by Blake Vogt
Vanishing Inc. exclusive
4.9 | 9 reviews

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12.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Blake Vogt (12.00)

Blake Vogt is magic's newest sensation. He is exploded onto the scene, and now works as a magic consultant to David Copperfield. We are proud to feature "FUZION," an exclusive Vanishing Inc. release available only from us.

The effect is ridiculous: you cause two cards—and then PIECES of two cards to transpose in uncanny and visual ways. To end, you cause half of one card to FUSE to half of another card. Did we mention these cards are INITIALED?

This amazing effect is already causing reverb on the underground scene, and we're proud to have it EXCLUSIVELY on Vanishing Inc Magic.

More good news:

• It's easy to do! You will be able to learn it almost right away.
•Requires no table. This makes it ideal for strolling performance.
• We’ve made drastic improvements to our download productions, and Blake's FUZION is evidence of this. It looks beautiful and is easy to follow.

See a Full Performance of "Fuzion"

Running time: 42 minutes, 57 seconds.


Customer reviews for Fuzion



This is a killer effect, it is so strong! It does require some practice and you will spend some time building the gimmicks. But the more you do it, the easier it gets, and I really believe that it is worth it.







This is the most underrated effect I've ever come across. Aside from some angular problems that arise from a slightly imperfect gimmick, this effect is near perfect, and its multiple phases blows the minds of laymen and magicians alike. I have actually adapted the method to make it slightly better, but the original is as good.



A wonderful effect! It's really fantastic that it can be signed and left with a impossible object!



This is by far one of my favorite TnR's out there. It does take a couple tries to make the gimmick but it is well worth it. Blake also goes into how to split cards for about 10-15 minutes which was extremely helpful, but if you want a better understanding of card splitting I recommend is Split Sessions at Theory 11. overall this a great routine that you should definitely add to your TnR arsenal.



Blake has really brought us a unique way to alter reality on our unsuspecting on-lookers.
You WILL be amazed at the crystal clear instruction and workings of this effect. If you are not into card splitting Blake has a detailed (10-15 min.) segment on this alone. It's easy to see why Mr. Copperfield has this young man in his corner.
Do your crowd some justice.....add this to your arsenal..I did!
Skott Hughes


João Antônio

This is brilhant I never leave house without some of this amazing gimicks, you wnat a strong effect that is also very fun to do BUY IT!!!!




Community questions about Fuzion

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  • Leonard asks: How hard is it to make the gimmick and how long does it take to make?

    • 1. Marco answers: I often make up to 8 gimmicks at a time, and they can take some time to make. If you are really experienced, a gimmick can be made in 5 minutes of less. When you are first getting into it, it might take upwards of 20 minutes. Same thing with difficulty, it becomes remarkably easier to make the gimmicks as your experience increases.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Gerardo asks: Does the trick have to be signed with initials or can it be with a normal signature on both sides? Do I have to know their initials ahead of time?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: They sign their name in real time. One of the signatures has to be yours.
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