Bas**rd Hard Moves Made Easy - Ian Kendall - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Bas**rd Hard Moves Made Easy

Magic download (video) by Ian Kendall
Vanishing Inc. exclusive
4.7 | 7 reviews

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Bas**rd Hard Moves Made Easy

19.95 usd

Magic download (video) by Ian Kendall (19.95)

Conquer your fear of card magic's most challenging sleights.

A perfect Faro Shuffle. Lennart Green's "Top Shot". Charlie Miller's "Cascade Control".

Card sleights like this often send shivers down the spines of many card magicians. But, not Ian Kendall. The master card magician has spent a lifetime studying these card magic sleight of hand moves and creating ways to make them easy to learn. All of these moves, as well as Paul Harris' "Instant Switch" and the classic sideshow trick "Blockhead", were compiled into his 2004 release "Ba$%ard Hard Moves Made Easy." This controversially-named released helped a whole generation of magicians realize that these challenging sleights are actually well within their grasp.

Now, Ian has recreated all these lessons in HD and has added some bonus moves, handlings and commentary on the original lessons. This amazing download brings "BHMME" into the 21st Century and allows the modern magician to add these powerful sleights to their arsenal.


Customer reviews for Bas**rd Hard Moves Made Easy

VI Monthly

Jeff L





cannot recommend this enough - great, in depth tutorials - several notches above youtube or tiktok stuff - great teacher, plus an unexpected disgusting (but entertaining) bonus



Excellent teaching for challenging moves. I'm always looking for ways to improve my card dexterity and Faros and I learned a lot. I especially enjoyed the history of how he first learned about the moves and obtained permission to teach them. There's also a quick instruction for the famous blockhead move with a screwdriver which is always fun.



This is excellent. I have never considered myself a card man but now I have no excuse. Admittedly I have only just watched this through, without a deck in my hands, but I am going to practice properly, for once in my life, because the teaching and HD quality is of such a high standard I feel inspired to devote some time. I want to do everything except the last item. This is like have your own tutor patiently showing you where your fingers should be placed but also giving you tips on when, where and how much pressure to apply. I wish more tution videos were this detailed and helpful.





A lot of good stuff. My problem with the video is that it is somewhat grainy. Also, it would benefit greatly from an over-the-shoulder view. It is very difficult to learn the moves looking directly at the cards.


Community questions about Bas**rd Hard Moves Made Easy

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  • Keith asks: Not a question but an endorsement. I had given up trying to learn a one-handed shuffle until encountering Ian’s teaching on this. Now I’m actually pretty good at it.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Thanks, on behalf of Ian!
    • 2. Ian Kendall (creator) responds: Thanks on behalf of me :)
    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Thanks, on behalf of Ian!
  • Randall asks: Hi! How long is the video?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The Video is 65 Minutes long
  • Wesley asks: Is the point of this "here's how to do these specific moves" or "here's how to learn hard sleight of hand?" Will this just help me to learn the moves covered, or will it make everything easier?

    • 1. Jim answers: This is about the specific moves.
    • 2. Ian Kendall (creator) responds: Hi Wesley, In the original BHMME in 2004 my plan was to take a few moves that were notoriously hard to learn off the page, and present them in a step by step way in order to make them much easier to learn. It seems that I was successful in that regard, since many people commented that I had helped them to master the moves. This time round, I rerecorded the lessons in HD so they are easier to see, and added handling touches that I had learned over the almost twenty years, and included a couple of moves that I hadn't put in the original. The plan for the download is to help you to learn the moves at a more rapid pace than were you to work by yourself from the books, and also, I hope, how to fit them into your performance.
    • 1. Jim answers: This is about the specific moves.
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