John Carey Collection 2 - John Carey - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

John Carey Collection 2

Magic download (video) by John Carey
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John Carey Collection 2

12.00 usd

Magic download (video) by John Carey (12.00)

John Carey is a master at combining principles, cherry-picking the very best subtleties and ideas, and combining them into simple, strong effects. We asked him to choose six of his very FAVORITE routines from amongst EVERYTHING he has created...and we are proud to offer The John Carey Collections 1 & 2, offering three unpublished effects in each download.

On this volume:

Crist Cross Searchers: Two Jokers that begin near the top and bottom of the deck magically appear together, progressively, to trap a selected card. This is the most innovative handling of the Searchers we have yet come across.

Think and Sync: This thought-of card routine is a REAL fooler. Watch the trailer and try to reconstruct it!

On the Up, Up, Up: In this pretty ditty, a Queen ascends among a packet of black cards. Unexpectedly, the other cards change into the Queens at the end.

John Carey has a knack for cutting away all the chaff, and leaving nothing behind but charming and bewildering card mysteries like the ones you'll find in these two volumes: workers you can call on anytime, anywhere. Jack Carpenter

Customer reviews for John Carey Collection 2





Searchers is brilliant and worth the money on its own. Think n’sync is very good as well but I think I prefer the John Bannon version. Overall excellent value for money, another great collection from John Carey.






I LOVED On the Up, Up, Up and Crist Cross Searchers, both are going to my professional repertoire. I’ve been performing a version of the Searchers for a few years but Carey’s version is going to take the place of my old Searchers. On the Up, Up, Up is GREAT, I use it after my ambitious card routine, very very powerful, I just love it!

This is the first time I learn the material from John Carey and I fell in love with his card magic.

If you love card magic, this is for you.



We get a lot of new products: Downloads, tricks, DVDs, and books on a monthly basis that we really have to choose carefully on what to spend on. Once in a while, we get a product like this. Short, straightforward, but contains simple, powerful, and practical material. The price is hard to beat as well.

Thanks John for providing us effects that are toned down to simpletons like me. I know there's a lot of thinking and application done on these effects to reach where it is now. I truly appreciate the efforts.

As a fan of Jennings, I love the Searchers, but it's an impossible effect to pull off. Over the years, I made some adjustments to tone it down. I never realized that John has toned it to the minimum that it only requires one sleight. This is something that I would use from now on...and that's just one of the three effects here!


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