Justin Higham The Modus - Volume Two - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Justin Higham The Modus - Volume Two

Magic download (video) by Justin Higham
Vanishing Inc. exclusive

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Justin Higham The Modus - Volume Two

21.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Justin Higham (21.00)

Justin Higham has become an underground legend in England. His name is always mentioned when the subject of great card men comes up in the UK. Justin has been performing, creating and thinking about magic for over 30 years and since 1985 he has published over 15 books on card magic. A good friend and overseas Student of the Great Edward Marlo, Justin is ready to share some of his favourite effects and expertise with The Modus.

We are delighted to present Justin Higham Volume Two.


Mind Reader's Lucid Dream

The spectator freely thinks of any card (no force or peeks). The magician then tells them not only which card they are thinking of, but also cuts directly to the card and it's three mates from a shuffled deck.

Mirrored Coincidence:

The magician and spectator each take half a deck of cards are split them in half, it is then revealed that they have cut directly to a four of a kind.

Off-centre Coincidence:

The spectator and magician each shuffle half a deck of cards and remember a card. The cards are then shuffled together and split into two, however amazingly, when cards are dealt out the chosen cards are at equal positions.

“Justin has created moves that are truly original and he performs them to perfection”

Dai Vernon

“Justin is an incredibly talented and prolific creator, thinker and technician with playing cards”

Benjamin Earl

“Justin is one of the best card magicians I know, his depth of knowledge and understanding of card magic is inspiring”

Joseph Barry

“The sheer quantity of Justin’s output is impressive - the consistent high quality is remarkable”

Will Houstoun

As part of our Community Captions project, the explanation video for this download has optional English subtitles.


Customer reviews for Justin Higham The Modus - Volume Two



This download is for the ones that like to involve spectators in shuffling the cards and producing a strong moment.

Mind Reader’s Lucid Dream:
Well, the final effect is good, but the process for reaching that effect is not that much. Don’t get me wrong, the magic is strong, but for me there is a little too much “playing” with the cards. Is not bad at all, but this doesn’t fit my style of performing. 7/10

Mirrored Coincidence:
This is nice, a way of producing a four of a kind with no sleights and involving the spectator. Very easy, strong and direct. 8/10

Off Centre Coincidence:
This is very strong. The best of the whole download. You give half the deck to a spectator to shuffle, you shuffle the other half, each remember on card from the middle. The spectator SHUFFLES AGAIN (you DON’T need to palm, switch, add, steal, etc.), then you shuffle once without watching the faces (NO crimps), then split the deck in half again (it doesn’t have to be the exact middle) and the two cards are at the same position in both halves. Direct, strong. 9.5/10

I’m happy with the download, and if you like to involve spectators in the shuffling process and still produce a strong moment, get this.


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