Madison Card to Pocket - Daniel Madison - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Madison Card to Pocket

Magic download (video) by Daniel Madison

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Madison Card to Pocket

12.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Daniel Madison (12.00)

The “Card to Pocket” effect is a classic and one of the most effective card effects to show people. You are about to learn, perhaps, the “ultimate” version.

A multiphase, modular routine, Daniel's teaching focuses on the psychology and framing of the effect to deliver a punch-to-the-throat performance each and every time. Much time is also spent on the nuances of the sleights used to address common mistakes in the card to pocket you may already perform.

Daniel leads his spectators on an unexpected journey with this routine, changing the way the card - or cards - appear each time, creating a cleaner and more impossible appearance with each phase.

Never again be at a loss when someone says “show me something.” Instead, you have the perfect effect to perform in this stunning “Card to Pocket” routine.

Running time: 19 minutes


Customer reviews for Madison Card to Pocket



A really great version of Card To Pocket! Daniel really knows how to think when it comes to magic. I've been performing this ever since I got it!


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