Mercurial Cards - John Carney - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Mercurial Cards

Magic download (video) by John Carney

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Mercurial Cards

8.40 usd

Magic download (video) by John Carney (8.40)

Full of wonderful and useful sleight of hand techniques, Mercurial Cards is a beautifully constructed color change routine that's upbeat, visual and full of magical surprises. Expertly explained by master close-up magician John Carney, this one routine will give you serious mileage.


Customer reviews for Mercurial Cards





In this video, Mr. Carney teaches you a truly mesmerizing routine. The routine itself is simply done, but to the participants involved, this piece is real magic. It has great moments and surprises that get wonderful reactions, often audible exclamations. Another beautiful piece by the master that is John Carney.


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