Mo Howarth's Legendary Chinese Poker Presented

Mo Howarth's Legendary Chinese Poker Presented

Magic download (video) by Mo Howarth

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Mo Howarth's Legendary Chinese Poker Presented

6.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Mo Howarth (6.00)

Hold on to your hats, you are about to experience the amazing and incredible in Mo Howarth's Legendary Chinese Poker routine.

The audience won't know what hit them as revelation after revelation keep them on the edges of their seats. 4 cards inexplicably change from face-down red cards to face-up 5s to face-up Kings to different colored backs and even more! So much magic and transformation in one routine, and all accessible with one simple sleight!

You get a large format (A4) photo illustrated 28-page PDF and access to several step-by-step training videos which teach you exactly how to perform both variations of this routine and explain how to easily make up the required cards from items you have have lying around (as the back designs used can be changed to what you have available).

Truly a fascinating and visual routine that will leave them baffled and bewildered. Download and learn today!

"I had the pleasure many years ago of seeing Mo Howarth perform Chinese Poker and I thought it was fantastic. If it is being re-released it should go straight in your close-up set."Harry Robson - Award Winning Magician and Magic Dealer

"Wow what a stunning effect!! I had never seen that effect before, but it blew me away with a great premise and then having the color changes in the routine as well as the faces changing. I'm sure it will go down a storm with the online poker craze at the moment so very topical. Great to see an old trick being re-released as I'm sure there are a ton of young magicians out there who will never have seen it before either, well done!"James Kennedy - Scotland

"Chinese Poker is a great effect. Extremely commercial and easy to do, it's a real fooler for any audience with a nice story line. I used to perform this, and you have just reminded me how good it really is 10/10."Carl Royle - Leading UK Close-up Magician

"I have just watched the routine Chinese Poker and was very impressed. This can be performed by a magician that only requires learning one very easy sleight. It's a great effect with each turn of the cards and a killer finish. Great effect for a lay audience."Dave Rawson - (Magician and Hypnotist) England

"For such a simple trick to learn and perform, this is one of the most action-packed, fast-moving and eye-popping truly memorable routines that I have ever had the pleasure to perform to real world audiences."Jonathan Royle - England

"Chinese Poker has been by far one of my favorite and most performed close-up routines for well over 30 years now and I am delighted to finally be able to honor Mo Howarth's memory by bringing this to a wider audience."Kevin Potter - Aladdin's Magic - UK


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