No Thing - Stefanus Alexander - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

No Thing

Magic download (video) by Stefanus Alexander

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No Thing

14.99 usd

Magic download (video) by Stefanus Alexander (14.99)

Step up your HOLE routine with the innovative gimmick No Thing!

After a spectator selects a card, you just wave the card and a large hole appears in it! No threads, magnets or flaps - this gimmick will allow a startling transformation or even let the hole jump form card to card with a simple wave! Another wave and the hole disappears again! You can even perform surrounded!

Welcome to the Hole-y Grail of hole effects. Download and learn today!


Customer reviews for No Thing



Novel and clever idea! But gimmick is time-consuming to make and must be constructed meticulously for the effect to work smoothly. Perhaps some "fanning powder" (if they still make it) might help. Just a thought!


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