Our Magic (Download) - Paul Wilson - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Our Magic (Download)

Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson

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Our Magic (Download)

18.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson (18.00)

Our Magic (Download) - magic
Our Magic (Download) Our Magic (Download)

Our Magic is an honest, passionate and revealing glimpse behind the curtain to reveal the secretive world of magicians as seen through the eyes of some of the most respected thinkers, performers and creators.

For eighteen months, magician and director R. Paul Wilson traveled the world to interview thirty of the most influential and revered figures within the conjuring community. From these interviews, Wilson has crafted a love letter to the art of magic that goes beyond the cliches to discuss why magic really matters.

Our Magic is a full length documentary about magic by magicians. It is a journey around an art filled with mysteries to discover why magic is important and wonder is essential.


Customer reviews for Our Magic (Download)

VI Monthly


A good film. Not a "history of magic" type of documentary, but an examination through interviews of how a variety of magicians feel and think about what they do, as well as how it affects them and sometimes their audience.



I’m an absolute nerd for magic history and theory. A lot of interesting stories about magics past as well as the opinions and viewpoints of many respected thinkers in magic. I watch it from time to time to remind myself why I became interested in magic.



Amazing Movie. I highly recommend it to everyone. Even if you are not a magician! It's really enjoyable and made well.


Community questions about Our Magic (Download)

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  • Neven asks: Which subtitles are available?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Not at this time.
  • Neven asks: Is there the deluxe edition as digital download?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: There is not
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