Rarely are books recognized as a classic before they reach press. However, "The Vernon Chronicles Vol. 1: Lost Inner Secrets" was just...
In 1992, the beloved magic book series chronicling some of Dai Vernon's most cherished works concluded with "Vernon Chronicles Vol. 4: He Fooled...
This classic text features unpublished Vernon effects, as well as contributions from some of his closest friends—legendary magicians such as Herb...
Here at Vanishing Inc., we're trying hard not to over-promise on product descriptions or oversell you. But we mean this: "Bubble Thought"...
The debut book from legendary bar magician J.C. Wagner is no available as an easily downloaded e-book! Download this amazing one-of-a-kind look at...
L&L publishing presents 37 powerful, audience-tested routines from J.C. Wagner—America's premiere bar magician. Now available as an e-book,...
Written by iconic magic author Stephen Minch, "Carneycopia" from John Carney is often referred to as one of the best magic books ever...
When it was first released, Dai Vernon referred to "The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings" as an "absolute must for all lovers of poetry...
From L&L publishing comes an downloadable e-book version of Jon Racherbaumer's "Cardfixes". "Cardfixes" was the first release...
Brought to you by Jon Racherbaumer, "Flashpoints" combines two of the most influential works from Ed Marlo and the annals of card...
Nearly 30 amazing routines from some of the biggest stars in magic! Seldom have so many of magic's elite so generously contributed select effects...
Visually transform an envelope into a credit card! JX-Pocket is perfect visual magic for social media videos, Zoom magic shows or even close-up magic...
"THIS IS MAGIC FOR DAILY USE!" Julio Montoro A timely and visual magic effect! A drawing of a face is shown on the back of a playing...
A virtual coincidence with a powerful ending that's perfect for any Zoom magic show! Virtual 5 Cards Match uses nothing but 5 cards that the...
A perfectly visual, jaw-dropping vanish that happens in thin air! If you could truly perform real magic, it would look like Sky Magic! It takes 5...
“Fringe” is a massive project showcasing how one of the most criminally overlooked gimmicks in card magic can be used to make some of your favorite...
6 hours of expert instruction from a close up magic master. The "Eric Jone's Masterclass" is a must-watch for any magician who is not only...
An extremely rare opportunity to learn directly from a magic legend. Beyond being a lauded stage and parlor magic performer, Mike Caveney is also a...
Discover why Danny Garcia is one of the most respected magic creators and performers in the world with this massive 6-hour download. Any serious...
A master of theatrical magic (he literally wrote the book on Theatrical Close Up Magic), Peter Samelson brings a fresh, artful perspective to the...
An artistic and beautiful color change that is as fun to practice as it is to perform! Kaze is named after the Japanese word for "wind"....
A automatic and visual change unlike anything you've ever seen. This is a game-changing method that is different than any of the other basic methods...
In this download Karl Hein gives a veritable masterclass in his original false shuffles that run the gambit from easy to difficult. He covers the...
This blockbuster lecture features a gorgeous Assembly, a quirky palm, an OUTSTANDING and nearly-immediate sandwich effect with a named card, and much...