Pasteboards Extraordinaire - Pierre-Marie - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Pasteboards Extraordinaire

Magic download (video) by Pierre-Marie
Vanishing Inc. exclusive

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Pasteboards Extraordinaire

5.99 usd

Magic download (video) by Pierre-Marie (5.99)

Pierre-Marie is part of a fascinating, new scene of slick magicians coming from France. His magic is visual—but not brash or quick. Instead, it is smooth and slow, and above all elegant. We are proud to be the first producers to bring this amazing new talent to a wider audience. We bring you two of his signature effects, in one amazing and low-priced download.

Flash Transposition: This effect is stunning and can be performed silently. You put four Aces to your left and two Jokers to your right. A moment later, they softly and magically transpose. This effect illustrates that, often, the best effects are often the simplest plots.

The Average Card: This is a version of The General Card brimming with new touches and sequences. You’ll see his treatment of a double is both exciting and bold—but it’s also very effective. And at the end, you’ll be treated to his brand new treatment of David Williamson’s neo-classic 51 Cards to Pocket. In Pierre’s version, first four-of-a-kind go to the pocket, and then they CHANGE into the entire deck.


Customer reviews for Pasteboards Extraordinaire



The video is worth the $4.95, but I was disappointed in a) presentation so fast that it was difficulty to follow what was happening and b) Could not follow the explanations completely and still am confused how he did the second effect. Nevertheless, this young man has skill and a pleasant demeanor.


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