PUT it in the Card Box - Paul Wilson - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

PUT it in the Card Box

Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson
Vanishing Inc. exclusive
4.4 | 7 reviews

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PUT it in the Card Box

8.40 usd

Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson (8.40)

PUT it in the Card Box is Paul Wilson's refined handling of Eddie Fields Way ahead card to card case. After a spectator secretly writes down a prediction on a piece of paper five freely chosen cards are shown and placed face-up into the center of the deck. Astonishingly, the predicted card vanishes from the deck and ends up inside the card box. A miracle among card tricks that virtually anyone can learn in this eight minute instructional video.

As part of our Community Captions project, the explanation video for this download has optional English subtitles.


Customer reviews for PUT it in the Card Box



Another fine trick from Mr. Wilson. Paul is one of those cardicians who consistently amazes me with his ability to create a wide variety of quality tricks that are interesting and fun to do. In this offering Paul has created a pretty terrific impromptu card effect that I think will make me smile inside as I'm performing it. The use of an instant dupe from a borrowed, shuffled deck will certainly slide by virtually every lay person and magicians, to whom you show it. The casual , relaxed presentation makes this very pleasing to perform. For the small cost of this download, you will not go wrong in making it's purchase. Jess Cone, SLC, UT





The method behind this effect is really clever; in fact it's genius! It's all about audience management in a small degree and creating the image you want in their minds. It uses very little sleight of hand and it accomplishes an impossible transfer of a card in the deck to the box, which by the way can be to the spectators hands, bag or even another room.



Its in the box! And this trick should be in your shopping cart! Talk about simple yet jaw dropping! Your spectators will have no idea what just happened and think it's pure magic. Again another simple yet amazing trick from Paul Wilson.



Simple and clever



It's fascinating how Paul combines simple subtleties and makes it into a grand moment. The selected card vanishes and appears inside the box. Would've loved to have a performance of the trick, but the explanation suffices.



The trick is genuinely good, but the video does not include a performance of the trick. Additionally, there is a key moment where misdirection is required, but no example is given of how to misdirect during that moment, so you will be required to make something up for that when you perform this yourself.


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