Spread Pass - Chad Nelson - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Spread Pass

Magic download (video) by Chad Nelson
Vanishing Inc. exclusive
4.6 | 8 reviews

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Spread Pass

6.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Chad Nelson (6.00)

Before he created the Clip Shift, Chad Nelson began work on the Spread Pass. 10 years in development, Chad finally tips his own thoughts and finesses behind this truly classical card sleight by Paul LePaul.


Customer reviews for Spread Pass



Excellent download. It’s a super beautiful move and has a million practical applications. The teaching on this download is perfect! Worth every penny



A wonderful move...well taught.



This can be a very visual color change and a good way to control a card to the top!



Spread pass is the most easiest comparing to any other pass, this one provide a lot of cover, and Chad does teach some techinques that makes the move look more natural. Highly recommend for beginners.



I can't say how much I love this move! With just a little practice I was able to improve my handling on this move greatly, and I am still practicing it to this day!

This move has a great amount of utility, and is best done on the off-beat as if you were casually replacing the spread on top of the packet... Done right, and your audience will have no idea that you have done anything suspicious! As Chad Nelson says himself, everything is motivated! Absolutely love it, keep it up Chad.



Fantastic pass, as he says on the vid "I use this every day" and now so do I. If you get this move down it looks totally impossible as a ambitious phase. I can now do the square up with one finger pushing towards the back which results in a very open jump to the top. As a control it is instant which I like, theres no messing around. Its just relaxed control then effect. I found it more difficult at first than the rating suggests not because of the le paul spread but the co ordination of the passed packet. Also a great reason to practice your Le Paul Spread. Well worth the money in my opinion.



The first handling of the spread pass I learnt was from this video. I later learned that this is much more open than other methods. Just the square up technique used in this video is worth the money. One negative! I wish Chad had described his riffle spread used in the video. It is awesome! So to sum up I think that this is a very open handling, so open that it can be done as a color change, however some angle considerations (not many) must be taken to ensure that this move looks its best.



The pass is very nice. The instructional standards and the video quality are pretty bad. Way more concern went into making this hip and cool then actually a good instructional video. If a jiggling camera in a parking garages for about 3 minutes of actual instruction is your bag, I guess you'll like it. I like the pass enough to go look for some other videos on it though.


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