Subway - Dan and Dave Buck - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop


Magic download (video) by Dan and Dave Buck
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6.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Dan and Dave Buck (6.00)

Here's a completely modernized version of Earl Nelson's Submarine Sandwich. We've given the effect a few of our signature touches and added teleportation to the plot to make what was a good trick a great routine.


Customer reviews for Subway





I found the control fairly difficult, but if you can get the control down the rest of the trick is gravy. It's extremely visual and very easy to follow. Very clean, modern, and stylish. Worth the trouble to learn. I bother my friends to watch my tricks all the time, and this is one of the few they ask to see again.



I was always having a mental debate whether or not to get the trilogy. Well, I got this as a "sample," and I also got a "sample" flourish, and fell in love. I immediately bought the trilogy after this. If you have any doubts about the trilogy, buy this, and then you'll see why you simply MUST buy the trilogy.



This trick is easy and impromptu. I've done this trick for years and it never disappoints me. Just practice only one move and you are done. Also this move can be used in millions of other effects. You won't be disappointed buying this.



I have The Trilogy and this is my favorite trick in there. I have learned this and it is pure genius. The technique for switching out the card is invisible and you have control of the card at all time. I had use this sleight for another version of the same effect where the deck is shuffled and used two cards to "find" their card. I use the sleight for controlling and etc. Very hard hitting and tought in crystal clear detail. It also teaches you some card mechanics you can use for rising a card out of the deck..... completely impromptu. Very wonderful, highly recommended.


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