Sylar - Simon Black - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop


Magic download (video) by Simon Black
Vanishing Inc. exclusive

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14.40 usd

Magic download (video) by Simon Black (14.40)

All masters know the feeling. Golfers hitting a perfect stroke, artists finding the precise color balance, writers penning sentences that sound like music. These moments of such profound acute excellence are the moments that define our mastery—the moments that prove that the practice has paid off.

Nowhere will you experience this feeling better than a flawless execution of Sylar by Simon Black.

Imagine out-jogging a card from a tabled spread, and after turning the pack face down, the card has been switched. It is a move so clean, you have to see it to believe it. Fair warning: this isn’t a move for the feint of heart. The knack is one of the trickiest we’ve seen and as such, Sylar demands hours of practice. We’ll tell you this now though: it’s worth it. Perhaps one of the most devious switches to date, Sylar is not only a treat for the move-monkeys, but a deadly weapon for the devoted.


Customer reviews for Sylar



The first thing I thought when I watched the trailer was "this is impractical", but when I watched the explanation I regret of my last opinion, is a really practical and useful move, a little bit hard but not impossible. The only thing I can say is BUY IT!



One of the most useful moves for table magic. Expertly taught and not impossibly difficult. I Highly recommend this download!



Sylar is, by far, one of the most impressive demonstrations of sleight of hand I've seen from Simon. I absolutely love the concept, and I will definitely be using this in my Triumph routine. Way to go, Mr. Black. You struck gold yet again.


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