The Chicago Opener - John Wilson - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

The Chicago Opener

Magic download (video) by John Wilson
Vanishing Inc. exclusive

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The Chicago Opener

7.20 usd

Magic download (video) by John Wilson (7.20)

As classic in card magic revisited by professional magician John Wilson. Known for his relaxed conversational style John incorporates subtle psychological traits into this antiquated ruse and provides in-depth teaching with alternative methods to leave you confident and ready to perform The Chicago Opener.

With a little practice, we’re certain any novice can achieve this miracle at the card table. A great stepping stone and gateway into sleight of hand card magic.


Customer reviews for The Chicago Opener



I had forgotten that Chicago Opener also goes under the name of Red Hot Mama, which I already have, but have long since forgotten about.
Nevertheless I'm so glad I purchased Chicago Opener from Art of Magic because of some of the refreshingly different moves that I saw displayed in this particular version of the effect. I now have a significantly stronger effect at my disposal. John Wilson is a great demonstrator.



VI Monthly


When Dan & Dave said this was one of their go-to effects, I bought it without second thought. Boy, was I mistaken.
After watching the trailer alone, the method become clear as day as this is probably the sloppiest performance I've seen in a product released, and for it to be on Art of Magic and featured? That's beyond me.
I like John Wilson's magic, but this... Well, you get the point.


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