The Maximiliano Giaconia EP - Maxi Giaconia - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

The Maximiliano Giaconia EP

Magic download (video) by Maxi Giaconia
Vanishing Inc. exclusive

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The Maximiliano Giaconia EP

12.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Maxi Giaconia (12.00)

On this STUNNING first effort from Maximiliano Giaconia we are treated to two effects, each one with a visual quality rarely seen in card magic. The difficulty level on this download is high, but the results are nothing short of breathtaking. Worth the time? Absolutely! We think Max is going to be a major force in card magic. On his debut tutorial, you will learn:


  • Gamma revelation: A four-at-once card production. 
  • Seekers finders keepers: A sandwich effect in which two mates disappear and reappear around a selected card. 
  • Seekers Finders Keepers In-the-Hands Version: Same thing as above, but this time without the table.

Running time: 26 minutes


Customer reviews for The Maximiliano Giaconia EP



This is incredible! The productions, kicker endings, all of it! Totally worth $10!!



Wow!!! this is out of this world!!! i definetly will be intrested in his next work.


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