The Vault - Velocity: High-Caliber Card Throwing System

The Vault - Velocity: High-Caliber Card Throwing System

Magic download (video) by Rick Smith Jr.

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The Vault - Velocity: High-Caliber Card Throwing System

29.95 usd

Magic download (video) by Rick Smith Jr. (29.95)

Ever wanted to throw playing cards but are tired of watching them tumble and short distance across the room?

Enter Rick Smith Jr., WORLD RECORD HOLDER for throwing a playing card 216 feet and 4 inches at a top speed of 92 miles per hour! And he's here to teach you what you need to know to start getting distance, speed, power, and penetration in those throws. Not only that, he'll teach you how to turn it into a show, and so much more!

So forget those ninja stars and learn how to throw cards instead! Download and learn today!


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