Three Kinds of Amazing - Jed Smith - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Three Kinds of Amazing

Magic download (video) by Jed Smith
Vanishing Inc. exclusive

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Three Kinds of Amazing

12.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Jed Smith (12.00)

In this download New York card expert Jed Smith teaches three exceptional items. The first is a fantastic revelation of a selected card, in which four Aces are also found. You'll also learn a highly efficient and unusual Collector's routine.

Finally, and just for the move monkeys, you'll learn one of the most challenging but useful reversal sleights ever devised. We are delighted by the quality of material in this download, and we're pleased to offer it at one low price.

Each of these three routines was featured in Apocalypse Magazine, and HIGHLY sought after. In particular, the ability to reveal a selected card under a spectator's finger is something that ALL magicians will find useful. Jed's take on Collectors is both efficient and easy to do, while his secret card reversal is one of the fastest we've ever seen.

Running time: 13 minutes, 30 seconds


Customer reviews for Three Kinds of Amazing



I got this just to learn the one handed top card reversal to the middle of the deck, and yes, is awesome! The truth is that the technique is hard, but this is something I'm going to be practicing for a while, it is very useful and you can use it in many different ways.

The other things that come on this download are also great, not so difficult and with great impact in the audience.

I recommend this, just add it to cart and enjoy.



Wow, The White Art Reveal is amazing! What a great way Jed Smith has come up with to visually make a card seem to come out of nowhere, underneath your spectator's finger tips. Just like real magic. It's beautiful to watch and people are really impressed with it.

The kicker ending is the icing on the cake, but maybe it's not even necessary with how amazing the one card appearance is.

Definitely my favorite trick on this download.



Three Kinds of Amazing by Jed Smith has some great card magic for you intermediate guys like me. I especially like the Smith Reverse because it's one of those sleights that is fun to practice. It will definitely impress other magicians.

I like that these tricks use sleights, but they are not beyond the skill level of your average intermediate card guy.


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  • Derrick asks: In the ad it says great coin magic but all hes doing is cards

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: Sorry we have made a typo mistake
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