Tidal Change - Timothy Paul - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Tidal Change

Magic download (video) by Timothy Paul
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Tidal Change

12.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Timothy Paul (12.00)

This is going to be a hit! When we saw The Tidal Change, our jaws dropped to the floor. Timothy Paul has somehow cracked the code on the Erdnase Change. This looks gorgeous and...we're going to say it...this is the DEFINITIVE version of this classic sleight. 

For all its stiff, mechanical shortcomings, The Erdnase Change remains a PRACTICAL color change because no palming is required. The card is changed without any break or preparation. But, it looks a bit like what you're doing...sliding cards backward and forward.

Timothy's ingenious tweak is to keep the hand PERPENDICULAR to the deck, so that it appears that the face card is partially in view ALL THE TIME. Yet somehow, the card still changes. This is a difficult sleight, but well worth your time. 

Running Time: 11 mins. approx.


Customer reviews for Tidal Change



It's lit fam??

Your $10 is worth it! Your time is worth it!



The Tidal Change absolutely takes the Erdnase Color Change to a whole new level of beauty and finesse. The Erdnase has been a essential slight in a magician’s toolbox for countless years. I can only assume the Tidal Change will make its way to that level. It just looks so beautiful! Timothy gives some great tips on the execution that really make this move look and feel amazing. The description says difficult, though not easy I feel it is well worth the effort needed to master it. If Erdnase saw this video, he would slap himself on the head and say "why didn't I think of that."



For years I couldn't master the Tidal Change and finally the secret is here! Great video and great visual tutorial!



I think the Tidal Change shows you why the Houdini Change is one of the best change ever: it's angle proof. Given the mechanics of the change, the Tidal Change can only be performed in front of a spectator not too close to you (meaning, from your point of view, the new card will be almost completely exposed). As a color change is mostly good to be shown to other magicians accustomed to the Houdini Change while the perspectives are great for videos and social media. I would never perform it in a close up settings.


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  • Matthew asks: Is this suitable for people with small, non-wide hands? It seems like there'd be a much increased chance of flashing...

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