Topsy Turvy Automatic Gambler - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Topsy Turvy Automatic Gambler

Magic download (video) by Michael Close
Vanishing Inc. exclusive

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Topsy Turvy Automatic Gambler

5.99 usd

Magic download (video) by Michael Close (5.99)

We are truly honored to present a new piece by the legendary Michael Close. Mr. Close very rarely publishes new magic, and when he does, we take notice. This routine is a terrific, self-working card miracle that is a perfect blend of story and magic, and fans of gambling material are sure to be fooled by this unusual routine. The premise is simple: cards are shuffled and then placed face to face. Through an odd and seemingly random dealing procedure, the magician deals himself the winning hand of poker.


Customer reviews for Topsy Turvy Automatic Gambler



wonderful trick and instruction






Michael Close is awesome! Virtually no work and you get a great gambling routine!




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