Toss Out Change - Hudson Taylor - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Toss Out Change

Magic download (video) by Hudson Taylor
Vanishing Inc. exclusive

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Toss Out Change

12.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Hudson Taylor (12.00)

Wait, what??? Watch this trailer and that is exactly what you'll say to yourself. It's what both of us said when we saw it. A card is displayed face up and gently, softly tossed to the table...where it changes into another card. The card never leaves your view and there are no fast, jerky motions. 

What a stunning, lovely move this is. On a scale of 1-10, the difficulty of this sleight is a 7, which we feel is very manageable. The move is taught in expert detail and it's a lovely addition to add to your arsenal, for just $10.

Running time: 20 minutes, 30 seconds.


Customer reviews for Toss Out Change



Hudson Taylor is on fire. A little practice and it works every time. Don't pass this up.



This is a very interesting color change that happens is a casual way, it's a little hard to get the move smoothly, but not impossible.Very visual. At the beginning if you want to do it, just be careful with the angles and timing, when you can do it in a millimetric way, don't worry about those angles that I mentioned.

Definitely is something I'm going to practice. Get it if you want to be busy practicing something cool.



I have seen him do this live and it looks just as awesome in person! Highly recommended if you have the time to put in to it!



Love it! It looks fantastic! I am having fun practicing it and although it is not easy, I can already see how great it will look once I've got it down.


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