Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson
Vanishing Inc. exclusive
4.8 | 23 reviews

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8.40 usd

Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson (8.40)

From a borrowed, shuffled deck of cards one spectator is asked to think of a card while another spectator is asked to name a number. Could it be that the selection is now at that position in the deck? Yes it can! In as fair as can be the magician deals down to that number to reveal the chosen card.

The actual performance has been omitted from the preview as to us magicians the method might be perceptible. A layman, however, will be fooled over and over again.

As part of our Community Captions project, the explanation video for this download has optional English subtitles.


Customer reviews for YAMFACAAN



This is an easy to follow along tutorial. The method is clever and I will be testing this out on people soon. I like it and I think my audience will as well.



This is a very clever technique that will catch out your spectators. It is very simple to perform and is great for beginners and experts in card magic. The fact that it is not stacked will reduce the learning time and reduces the setup that is needed to perform this. You can perform it from a shuffled deck with ease.



This is brilliant thinking, easy to execute, super clear and a very deceptive handling. Bravo Mr. Wilson





Excellent for a non stacked deck


Ephraim "Birthday-Guy"

Very simple but clever method. As with most Paul Wilson tricks--even ones such as this where the sleight is slight--the thinking behind the trick is all important and the presentation is well thought out to hide 'the move' (if you even consider it to be a real 'move').

As said previously, it may not be a magician fooler but it does play well with lay people. In fact, if you do it right, everything will looks so above board and natural that even when you know how it's done it's really hard to see how it works without thinking it through.

Lots of bang for the buck here, given that you should be able to present this one almost immediately after watching the tutorial. Recommended.



Very nice simple effect with a shuffled deck with an easy method to learn and an effect in which you can concentrate on presentation. This can be added to one’s ACAAN repertoire. Explanation and demonstration is very straight forward and video makes everything clear. I recommend this version for a basically sleight free method to accomplish ACAAN.



VI Monthly








The trick is well-shot and the explanation of how to perform it is very well done, covering everything you need to know. There aren't many subtleties or variations discussed, but there doesn't need to be as it's perfectly straightforward and you can be performing it after watching the video once and practicing a couple of times.

My first thought after watching it is "that's never going to fly", so I waited until I'd tried it out before posting this. Just tried it on 2 people - one choosing the card, one the number - and it fooled them completely, getting an excellent reaction.

So, this trick is a bit like a really good "reader card" system - you think they're bound to spot it, but they don't!

Good purchase, will do this often as a nice impromptu miracle



The trick is well-shot and the explanation of how to perform it is very well done, covering everything you need to know. There aren't many subtleties or variations discussed, but there doesn't need to be as it's perfectly straightforward and you can be performing it after watching the video once and practicing a couple of times.

My first thought after watching it is "that's never going to fly", so I waited until I'd tried it out before posting this. Just tried it on 2 people - one choosing the card, one the number - and it fooled them completely, getting an excellent reaction.

So, this trick is a bit like a really good "reader card" system - you think they're bound to spot it, but they don't!

Good purchase, will do this often as a nice impromptu miracle



This is a really clever trick that will fool any lay audience. You've heard the expression "the hand is quicker than the eye"? Well in this trick it's a case of the eye being slower than the hand - this ** year old newbie who is a poster boy for arthritis can do the move (not "sleight") required in plain sight and I guarantee if you're not a magician you'll never see it. Well worth the original price, it's a steal for four bucks!





Finally an impromptu, easy, no-set-up, super fooling miracle. A full deck is not even necessary. This one is so discrepant, it's terrific for one or two spectator participants. The nuances shared here by Paul Wilson are helpful in effects beyond this one. He is a wonderful teacher, and his lesson reminds us that stripping our handling and effects to the basics can be just as powerful as more complicated routines.



Want an ACAAN but want to do it with a borrowed deck or shuffled or just without a gimmick? This is great method. It is NOT a magician fooler but so far it is a great lay man fooler.

The handling is a a great idea but for certain moves and justifications I have replaced them with my own to make the effect more cohesive and to my style. My only suggestion that is to replace the d**ble u**er c*t with a single card SWE c*ll

I like the effect and the method is great and simple to perform.



This is the easiest yet most effective acaan I have come across in ages! Thanks Paul and Dan and Dave for delivering this awesome easy method. This really is ANY card at ANY number! The move used it natural and undetectable and could be used for other plots in your personal magic.



Standing for Yet Another Method For Any Card At Any Number, this trick is not just YAMFACAAN. It is much more. It is my favorite in the hands ACAAN and is one of my go to tricks for on the spot situations.



When it comes to easy, quick and in-the-hands Any Card at Any Number routines, this is by far my favourite method. Invisible for spectators or even magicians, this effect is a reputation-maker.



A solid A.C:A.A.N trick

The method is easy to learn and good explained. The trick it self is absolutley fooling and you can build a whole story around it. But the best part about it is that the whole trick is absolutley impromptu. You can do it with a borrowed deck and let the cards be shuffled. You will still amaze your audience.

(Sorry for any writing mistakes - I am from germany and my english writing is not allways the best)



This is the most simple and easy ACAAN trick I've ever seen. No small rules for spectator to choose. It's really ANY card at ANY number. The best part of this trick is it's impromptu, you start clean and end clean. Spectator could recount the cards after the effect is done. This tutorial is not long (less than 10 minutes) but covered all the things you need for the trick. And in spite of how amazing the effect is, this is easily done even if you are a beginner. The move is invisible and blended within the effect itself.



The method used here is easy enough to understand, and the effect is fine.

The teaching of the trick, however, leaves a lot to be desired.

The performance, which actually takes up the first part of the explanation video, differs in method from the actual explanation. Overall, the video does not have enough content (Paul misses good opportunities to talk about common pitfalls and how to deal with them), and ultimately suffers from lack of editing (verbal stumbles left in, for example).

The trick is solid, and if you are looking for an easy ACAAN to add to your routine, this is a fine one, but be aware that the video will not take you all the way to a consistently performable trick.


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