Card Artistry - Justin Flom - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Card Artistry

Trick by Justin Flom
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4.4 | 21 reviews

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Card Artistry

40.00 usd

Trick by Justin Flom (From $25.00)

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Justin Flom's "Card Artistry" is an unexpected revelation of a selected card in which the magician turns the deck into a famous painting (or if you prefer, a brain-scan image).

It's the rarest kind of magic effect: it captures the imaginations of both magicians and audiences. Evoking a comparison of magician as artist, the performer "paints" his deck of cards into a four-by-four card mosaic of the Mona-Lisa. The spectator's selection appears in the painting! Inspired by a great Chris Kenner effect, "Card Artistry" is full of touches by professional performer Justin Flom.

  • Includes custom printed USPCC playing cards
  • If you can shuffle a deck, you can perform "Card Artistry"
  • Includes high-quality instructional download
  • Can be used with any poker-sized deck
  • Supply your own close-up pad

You may have seen Justin Flom's Soldiers Deck of Cards video on YouTube. This video recieved several million views and is one of Justin's presentations for this trick. Those cards won't be available, but the brain scan and Mona Lisa are!

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Customer reviews for Card Artistry



This requires a little practice but the finale is just amazing to your spectators. Product and explanation are superior. You should get this one.



I was genuinely surprised at the reaction from this trick. I like it and thought it would be a great commercial trick to add to my closeup show but the audience response was much more than I expected. I’m glad I closed the act with it because I don’t think I had anything else to top that. A very good purchase!
P.S. easy to do.





Awesome ...need more visuals...loved the head Xray..... great to offer an x-ray of a baby scan. Describe surfaces that grip the card for easy painting.

VI Monthly




Card Artistry is very visual, very magical, and easy to perform. It is different from any other type of card magic you will perform. I highly recommend it!



Not much I can add to the existing reviews.

If you want a card routine that feels different and ends with a punch, I can't think of much better.

A staple in my virtual and table top shows.



I love the type of effects that you use cards but the routine doesn't look like a card trick. This is a very different and unconventional routine to present to your audience. They will love it. You literally create a piece of art in front of their eyes. Totally recommend it!



Comes with a good quality set of monalisa cards, you can purchase Xray cards as seperate, these are also excellent quality set of cards too.
The video production is nice and clean, comes with a demo, and a very easy to follow tutorial, were he explanes the deck set up, followed by the routine, with some usefull tips, as long as you can do a basic farro shuffle then its very easy to do.



This effect is great! I was a little worried with the sleights you would need to use to pull the trick off, but there are very little. The sleight of hand you do have to know is very easy to master. There are no switches what so ever.
P.S. You can add on to the trick and make it your own. You can take the concept and even might make something cooler.



Love this trick! You need a bit of space to do it, but it looks so surprising, and much more commercial and appealing than the other regular card versions. Great work!



I have long been a fan of Chris Kenner's routine, which is why my draw dropped when I saw this version of it. What a smart, visual and interesting end to a routine. I purchased this direct from Vanishing Inc. and it arrived within two days. I intend on using it in a show this coming weekend. Excellent production values and stellar magic! This is the kind of release that only the Vanishing Inc team are qualified to handle!



I ordered this as soon as I saw the Soldier's Deck video on YouTube. What a great performer! Justin--you are an inspiration! I'll definitely be using this trick in my shows!



This is such a great effect! Straight forward,clean,commercial,and just awesome!



I really really like this! Each version allows for so much presentation & fun, I look forward to seeing what Justin Flom brings out next.



Justin Flom's debut effect is off the charts when it comes to audience reaction. Hope more card sets beyond Mona Lisa and Brain Scan will be available soon. Instant classic!

VI Monthly


Good effect — with caveats

As others have mentioned, the cards —at least the Mona Lisa cards — are unlike those in the demo. While the cards in the demo have a white border, those provided do not. While concealing the resulting discrepancy between the provided cards and the rest of the deck isn’t difficult, it unnecessarily limits the freedom of handling. Maybe this easily-addressed problem could be the selling point of Card Artistry 2.0.

This is not a trick for walk-around or informal setting. The deck is a “one trick wonder,” though perhaps the 36 “ordinary” cards you provide could be used effectively with clever routining to lead up to Card Artistry. In addition, the trick requires the “special circumstance” of enough space for a large-ish closeup mat with a rubber back. For me, these limitations suggest that the trick is most appropriate for a relatively formal presentation.

The instructional video covers all bases, although the trick could have been taught with a single sheet of well-written instructions. The meandering explanation is more tolerable than many, but still a far cry from thoughtfully organized. It’s almost 18 minutes long and contains about five minutes of useful and necessary information.

That this is a “special occasion” trick and that the cards could have been printed to better conceal their presence keeps me from giving the effect any more than three stars.



Nice effect, but misleading description..."If you can shuffle a deck, you can perform Card Artistry"....not true. There are several sleights involved to pull this off - NOT JUST A SHUFFLE. I do very few card effects, and this is one that will require a good deal of practice for me to pull off convincingly. If you do a lot of card effects, probably will be no problem. As many others have stated about various effects/tricks, magic advertisements and promos just be honest and not misleading. Every time there is a misleading advertisement, it just lowers the expectations for repeat business, without having to spend a lot of time consulting forums and reviews. Vanishing Inc. is my preferred online magic vendor, but it's disappointing that the promo for Card Artistry is not more upfront.



I can't give this a great review simple because the set of cards are slightly different then what's shown in the video. I tried this out on my wife who thought it was really neat but instantly knew what I did because of the inconsistencies in my deck of cards. Now I've done alot of tricks for her so she knows exactly what a deck should look like. Maybe most people won't notice but I'd be surpised if they didn't. Other then that it's a beautiful trick and very nicely made.



This is a weird one to review. It’s not much of a mystery, but it gets good reactions. Probably, because of the novelty. I felt guilty doing this as it’s low effort and feels store bought — and it appears to be store bought. So it won’t be about you, your idea, or the audience — but this novel card revelation. If this is your sort of thing and you like it, then it’s for you. The advertising is accurate. This is relatively easy to do and the tutorial is easy to follow., You can fast forward through the multiple performances as they’re about the same. The card quality isn’t great and what brings the rating down (that and the guilt performing this). If you don't have the same feelings of guilt, and this is the sort of thing you like, consider getting the newer versions with better card quality.



The effect is exciting and novel, but my set of cards is wholly unusable; the ink of the image bleeds right to the edges of each card, making it wholly obvious even while the deck is perfectly squared that something isn't right.


Community questions about Card Artistry

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Scott asks: Do I need to be able to faro well. I am not good at doing a faro shuffle. If it is just not effecting bottom stack I will be fine but fine it hard to interlace

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: Perfect faro is not nescessary but I suggest you practice it. It's not too hard and useful move
    Post an answer to this question
  • Marlon asks: Can the card be different every time?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes it can.
  • Tony asks: I recently purchased this trick a while back and I was wondering if the refills have a white border edge on the cards as shown in the video? Cause I’ve performed this before and the audience always sees that the cards are a different color cause there is no white border edge. I was wondering if you have some in stock that have that?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Sorry, no white borders are available.
  • Michael asks: Following up on an earlier question, how MANY different possible card revelations (different selection) are included?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You can either purchase the Mona Lisa or Brain Scan set
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